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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 340

Chapter 340 Carl’s Disappearance

Upon closer look, the fitted white sheet was really made out of layers of bandage that covered nearly the entire surface area of Toby’s wounded back. It wasn’t hard to see how badly hurt he was.

“Come on, Sonia, let’s go in!” Tyler urged, placing a hand on the doorknob.

Sonia shook her head vehemently in refusal. “No, let’s not. I’ve already seen him, haven’t I? It’s time for me to go!”

“But—” Tyler began to argue.

However, he was cut off brusquely when Sonia pressed her lips into a grim line and snapped impatiently, “Tyler, I never wanted to come here in the first place, but you didn’t leave me a choice when you dragged me down the hallway. Now that I’ve seen Toby, what more are you asking of me?”

Tyler flushed. “I’m not asking for more. I just want you to stay with Toby for a bit.”

“And why should I? What am I to him?” she retorted witheringly, meeting Tyler’s flustered gaze.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something along the lines of ‘you’re his wife, of course!’ before remembering that she and Toby were already divorced.

As such, he closed his mouth again, feeling stupid as the words died on his tongue.

At the sight of this, Sonia shook her head slightly and turned to head for the elevators. This time, Tyler did not stop her. Perhaps it was because he knew he had no right or power to hold her back.

Sonia stopped in front of an elevator and pressed the button. The elevator arrived not long after, and when the doors opened, a figure clad in a white coat walked out—it was none other than Tim.

He was a little startled to see Sonia on the other side of the doors, and he adjusted his glasses as he asked, “I thought you were discharged. What are you still doing here?”

“I got held back,” Sonia explained nebulously with a mild smile.

Tim peered behind her shoulder and instantly understood what was going on. He narrowed his eyes slightly and inquired, “Your ward isn’t in this direction, so why would you be leaving through the elevators here unless you’ve dropped by to visit Toby?”

While he clearly guessed it right, Sonia did not become flustered but shrugged instead, showing a trace of frustration as she replied, “You caught me. I ran into Tyler on my way out of the hospital, and when I found out Grandma was hospitalized, I decided to visit her. After that, Tyler dragged me all the way here to see Toby.”

“Oh,” Tim said plainly. “And now you’re leaving?”

She nodded. “That’s right. I should go now that I’ve already seen him.”

Tim broke into a light chuckle. “What do you think of his injuries?”

“What do I think?” She looked at him suspiciously. “Why would you ask this?”

“Nothing, I’m only curious. After all, I heard that his injuries had something to do with you,” he explained nonchalantly, adjusting his glasses once more.

She lowered her gaze and said stoically, “The rumors aren’t technically wrong, but in all honesty, he brought the injuries upon himself, so I don’t know what to think of them.”

“Oh, is that so?” An odd glimmer flashed in Tim’s eyes as he became interested. “I take it that you know why he was caned in the first place?”

“Sort of, but seeing as it weighs on my personal affairs with the Fuller Family, I’d rather not talk about it with you.” Sonia nodded in apology, then added, “Right, I should get going now, Dr. Lancaster. See you.”

With that, she brushed past him and into the waiting elevator.

Tim, on the other hand, glanced over his shoulder at the slowly-closing elevator doors. The fluorescent lights above reflected off his glasses, and he waited until the doors fully closed before he turned away. Pushing his glasses up his nose bridge, he let out an amused laugh and said to no one, “How interesting!”

Meanwhile, Charles sat on a nearby bench in the gardens outside the inpatient ward, and he was speaking on his phone when Sonia found him.

She walked up to him, and when he spotted her, he beckoned her over. He spoke into the line for a few seconds more, then hung up. “Are you done?” he asked Sonia, keeping his phone in his pocket.

Sonia nodded. “Yeah, I am.”

“Took you a while,” he accused jokingly, then tapped his watch in mock exasperation to show that he had been waiting for much longer than expected.


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