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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 346

Chapter 346 Friends No More

Unaware of Toby’s sinister intention, Zane impatiently paced back and forth. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Now that Sonia knows you’re John Johann and the child’s father, she must have also known I helped you hide the truth from her. Man, is this the end for me and her before it even begins?”

Upon hearing Zane’s words, Toby squinted warily. Is this guy still thinking about winning Sonia over? He is in over his head because Sonia is mine and only mine!

“No!” Zane stopped in his tracks, seemingly determined to do something about the situation. “I must apologize to Sonia, even if that means she’ll be mad at me. After all, I have to show my initiative to admit my mistake because who knows she may forgive me for that?” As soon as he finished his words, he turned around and left the ward right away before Toby could stop him.

Watching Zane disappear from his sight, Toby was worried that Sonia would eventually forgive the former for taking the initiative to apologize. However, he soon put his mind to ease when he recalled Sonia’s unforgiving nature, thinking Zane would only be wasting his time to apologize.

In the meantime, Zane hurriedly made his way to Bayside Residence, where he nervously hesitated for a while before ringing the doorbell. At the same time, Sonia was about to take a rest when she heard the doorbell, whereupon she went to answer the door. “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Sonia.” Zane’s voice was heard from the other side of the door.

The moment Sonia saw her visitor, her hand stiffened on the door handle just as her facial expression turned cold. It’s you, Zane! When she recalled how Zane helped Toby by sitting on the truth, her anger surged through her body and was going to get the better of her. However, she closed her eyes and calmed herself down, responding with a cold voice. “Oh, it’s you. Please go.”

Upon hearing her glacial tone, Zane was seen with a bitter smile on his face. When he was on his way to meet her, he had a feeling that she would give him the cold shoulder. Thus, he knew his guess was right when he heard her grim voice. Furthermore, she turned him away directly without even bothering to ask his purpose of visit. Therefore, he could tell how mad she was at him. “S-Sonia, I have something I’d like to tell you. Could you please open the door?” Zane probingly asked, fixing his eyes on the door while rubbing his hands.

“We can talk some other time. I’m not in the mood to listen to your explanation right now.” Sonia pursed her lips.

“No! It’ll be meaningless if I don’t tell you what I want right now, Sonia. So, please open the door! Please!” Zane crossed his fingers with his eyes closed, speaking with a voice so sympathetic no one could turn him away.

In response, Sonia blinked in hesitation. A few seconds later, she opened the door and said, “Well, let’s see what you have to say.”

As soon as Zane heard someone opening the door, he immediately opened his eyes. Exhilarated to see Sonia, he happily smiled from ear to ear. “Finally, you’re willing to see me.”

“You have something to tell me, don’t you? Go on. I’m all ears now.” Sonia was seen with an emotionless look on her face without any intention of showing her regard.

Meanwhile, Zane couldn’t help but feel slightly upset upon hearing her mean words. However, he knew he deserved them for what he did to her. Therefore, he bitterly smiled and looked at her, noticing her pale face. “Sonia, I heard you aborted your child. How do you feel now? I have some supplements at home, so maybe I could…”

“Just get straight to the point!” Sonia frowned and made her point known as she didn’t want Zane to waste time beating around the bush.

Zane gulped and sighed. “Alright. Alright, I’ll cut the crap and get to the point now. I-uh-I… heard that you already knew Toby was your child’s father, so…”


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