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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 359

Chapter 359 Severing Our Father-daughter Relationship

“Sonia, what are you thinking?” Zane waved his hand in front of her when he saw her zoning out.

Then, her eyes flickered. “Nothing,” she replied faintly.

“Then, Douglas…”

She bit her lip as she seemed to be still considering.

Seeing this, Zane signaled Douglas. Hey, kid. Hurry up. It’s up to you whether you stay or not. I’ve done my best.

Silly Uncle Zane. You’re the one who brought me here. You said that there was a misunderstanding between you and Aunt Sonia and that she was ignoring you.(get daily update on chapternovel ) That’s why you brought me over to be the peacemaker so that she would forgive you. So why are you dumping everything on me? I’m just a baby. Douglas rolled his eyes.

Zane pouted. Stop this nonsense. Hurry! Be cute so that she would let you stay if you still want her to be your aunt. Then, you can put in a good word for me.

Helplessly, Douglas sighed like an adult. Then, he put on a calm expression and tugged Sonia’s sleeve. “Can’t I stay with you? I don’t want to stay at home alone. Please?” He looked at her pitifully and blinked his big eyes, looking as if he was about to cry.

“Please, Sonia,” Zane chimed in.

Sonia glanced at Zane and then at Douglas. Finally, her heart softened. She reached out to wipe the tears off Douglas’ face and nodded. “Alright, then. I’ll help you to take care of Douglas for two days.”

“Awesome! I can finally live with Aunt Sonia!” Douglas giggled cheerfully.

“Thank you.” Zane bowed with a look of gratitude pasted on his face. In truth, he was overwhelmed with excitement.

Good boy! As expected from the cutest baby of the Coleman Family! Good work for succeeding on the first try!

Right after, Zane put Douglas down. Zane crouched down and held Douglas as he reminded, “Be a good boy these two days. Listen to Aunt Sonia, and don’t be naughty, okay?”

You’d better remember what your task is: It’s to mediate our relationship. (get daily update on chapternovel.com ) That’s the actual reason why I brought you here.

Obediently, Douglas nodded. “I know. I’ll be a good boy.”

Don’t worry, Uncle Zane. I’ll see to it that Aunt Sonia forgives you. Just remember to get me my limited-edition Transformer.

“Good. Now, I can rest assured.” Zane patted Douglas’ head.

I won’t forget, so stop reminding me about it.

Then, Zane stood up and looked at Sonia. “I’ll leave him to you, then.”

Unaware of the eye contact between both uncle and nephew, she nodded her head lightly and answered, “Okay.”

“I’ll leave now, ” Zane said.

“Take care,” she responded.

Upon hearing this, he smiled bitterly at how quickly she wanted him to leave. She didn’t even offer him a drink.

However, this was not the most disappointing.

What was most disheartening was when Douglas waved at him. “Goodbye, Uncle Zane!”

The corner of Zane’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch as he glared at Douglas.

That useless little brat. You could’ve faked a cry and said that you couldn’t bear seeing me leave when she didn’t ask me to stay for a drink. That way, I might have been able to stay a little longer.

Seeing through Zane’s thoughts, Douglas made a face at Zane. Filled with anger, Zane’s face twisted.

That rascal! I’ve been wasting my love on him!

With a sigh, Zane headed toward the elevator.

As soon as Zane’s figure went out of sight at the elevator entrance, Sonia took Douglas into her house.

The next day, a phone call woke Sonia up.

It was Charles who called. “Darling, quick, check out what’s online. Titus is holding a press conference.”

“A press conference?” She sat up from the bed immediately. “What’s it about?”


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