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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 363

Chapter 363 Jean’s Selfishness

“He’s Zane’s nephew. Something came up with his family, so Zane asked me to take care of him for two days,” Sonia squeezed Douglas’ chubby hands and explained.

A child’s hand is so satisfying to hold. It’s so chubby and comfortable to squeeze. Thinking that, she couldn’t help but squeeze his hand again.

Coming to a sudden realization, Tim lifted his chin. “Alright. Go and look for Toby. I still have to examine this patient. See you later.”

“Okay, go ahead.” She nodded before leading Douglas to the ward she stayed in before.

As soon as she reached the ward, the door opened.

When Jean walked out, she saw Sonia and froze. Then, Jean’s expression turned cold. “Why is it you?”

Sonia never thought that she would bump into her former evil mother-in-law. Raising her eyebrows, she asked, “Why can’t it be me?”

“This is Toby’s ward. You’re not coming here to get back with him, are you?” Jean snorted.

Hearing this, Sonia laughed. “Get back with him? Why would I get back with him? Is he someone popular? Even if he is, I’d never get back with him, with you being such a troublesome mother-in-law.”

“How dare you criticize me!” Jean glared at Sonia.

“I wasn’t criticising you. I was only telling the truth. Look at you: You caused your husband to be served by the family law as soon as you became a Fuller. What are you, if not a troublemaker?” Sonia smirked.

When Jean heard this, her face turned grim all of a sudden.

This no doubt surprised Sonia because she thought that Jean would be angry when she made such a remark.

Yet, Jean kept quiet instead and seemed really upset.

Was she upset because she was the reason her husband got served, or was she upset because he passed away?

Perhaps both were true, but this was not what Sonia was most curious about. She was more curious about why Jean treated Toby so well.

After all, Jean seemed like an evil stepmother no matter how one looked at it, but she was surprisingly a good one. If Rose hadn’t told Sonia, Sonia wouldn’t have even doubted that Toby was Jean’s son because Jean treated him no differently than she treated Tyler.

Not to mention that Jean was simply an ordinary person. Even an educated and wealthy person may not necessarily raise a first wife’s children like her own. Yet, Jean treated Toby like her own child. There must be a reason for it.

However, it didn’t matter what the reason was because it was none of Sonia’s business. She couldn’t bring herself to ask even if she was curious.

Then, she rubbed in between her brows. “Alright, Mrs. Fuller. Let’s not waste time. I came here to return this to Toby. Please pass the message to him. Thank you.”

Suddenly, Jean came back to her senses and lowered her head to glance at the delicate bag. Soon, she returned to her peculiar self and uttered, “Wow! Such nice packaging. It must be a present for him. Why did you lie that you’re not trying to get back with him?”

In response, Sonia rolled her eyes. Whatever. It’s a waste of time talking to people like her.

“Alright. I’m not going in, so please pass it to him.” As Sonia said this, she shoved the bag into Jean’s hands and left with Douglas.

As Jean watched the big and small figure disappear into the distance, she pouted. “Ugh! I’m not going to give it to Toby! I’ll throw it away once I see what’s inside!”

She’s thinking of bribing him with a gift in order to get back with him. No way am I letting that happen!

Rudely, she tore open the bag and took out the box from inside.

The box was delicate, just like the bag. Besides, she could tell that it was a jewelry box at one glance.

That must mean there’s jewelry inside.

She found it unusual and couldn’t understand why Sonia gifted Toby jewelry. It was usually the men who gifted women jewelry.


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