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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 367

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 367

At Bayside Residence, Charles was watching the surveillance tapes in the surveillance room when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He reckoned that it might be a call from Douglas, so he quickly fished it out and checked it. Sure enough, it was really a call from him, so he immediately picked it up. “Hey, kid. Is my darling out of the ER?”

“Yes, she’s out,” Douglas replied with reddened eyes while looking at Sonia, who was lying in bed with a ventilator.

Overjoyed, Charles exclaimed, “That’s great! I’m coming over right now!” He hung up and turned to the staff in the surveillance room. “Make a copy of this surveillance tape for me. When the police arrive later, tell them that I’m at the hospital.”

“Yes, Mr. Lane,” the staff said with a nod.

After grabbing the USB drive, he left briskly and arrived at the hospital after a while.

With the ward number Douglas told him, he found his way to Sonia’s ward, where Douglas and a doctor were inside.

Stepping in, he immediately turned his attention to the bed, and his face fell when he saw Sonia. “Why is she on a ventilator?”

For a patient to be on a ventilator, it meant that they couldn’t even breathe on their own, and usually, this happened to people who were on their deathbeds.

Is my darling going to… In a split second, his eyes turned bloodshot, and tears welled up as a great wave of sorrow washed over him.

“Darling…” Stumbling to the bedside, he extended his trembling hands and held Sonia’s cold hand before choking out, “Darling, don’t scare me. You’re still so young. How could you leave me alone, Darling? Open your eyes and look at me…”

As the doctor listened to him wailing sadly, he cast him a look of confusion. “Sir, did you get the wrong idea?”

“What did I get wrong? Tell me: What did I misunderstand?” Charles yelled and continued to cry sadly.

The doctor rolled his eyes. “This lady is still alive.”

“I know she’s still alive, but for not much longer. She’s even on a ventilator now…” he trailed off, glancing at Sonia with eyes that were filled with grief.

“Goodness!” With a sigh, the doctor shook his head and added, “What I mean is, this lady is placed on the ventilator because she received serious trauma to the head, resulting in the lack of oxygen, and not because she’s dying. Do you get it?”

“Huh?” Charles blurted and stopped his cries abruptly, while Douglas burst into laughter. Ignoring him, he grabbed the doctor’s arm in agitation. “Doctor, are you telling the truth? My darling is fine?”

“She’s fine. A small part was cut out from her wrist, but the nerves and arteries were unaffected. Even though her head trauma is a little serious, it’s just a head concussion, and she’ll be fine once she’s awake,” the doctor answered, drawing his arm out of Charles’ grip.

Breathing out a huge sigh of relief, Charles finally seemed assured. “This is great. I thought that my darling…”

At the thought of how dumb he had acted minutes ago, his face burned bright red with embarrassment as the doctor left the room while shaking his head.

Standing next to him by Sonia’s bedside, Douglas twisted his head to him and asked, “Sir, have you caught the bad guy?”

“Not yet,” he answered with a dismayed look.

Although he had seen the person who knocked out Sonia when he went to check the surveillance tapes in Bayside Residence, he couldn’t see clearly how the person looked because they had covered themself tightly. Obviously, they didn’t want to be recognized.

Hearing that the bad guy was not caught, Douglas pouted his lips in disappointment, and Charles said no more as they both kept vigil by Sonia’s bedside quietly.

The next day, Charles gave Daphne a call, telling her that something happened to Sonia and that she wouldn’t be going to the company. Hence, he asked her to bring all of Sonia’s work to the hospital so that he could do it instead.

Knowing that Sonia was in the hospital, Daphne was a little worried. So after hanging up, she quickly went into Sonia’s office to prepare the documents, preparing to visit her at the hospital.

When she had just rushed into Sonia’s office, someone walked out of the secretary office next door.

At first, the person peered into Sonia’s office. Then, she took out her cell phone and dialed a number.


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