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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 393

Chapter 393 A Call from the Police

More importantly, this spy even brought harm upon Sonia. “This should stop. This should stop right now. I’ll get her to come out immediately,” Zane uttered before he made a move to end the call.

Sonia stopped him before he could do so. “Wait! Calm down. I made a police report once I was hit, and the police recognized that it was Taylor who had harmed me after they conducted their investigation. They’ll summon Taylor in for an interrogation, so we can just head directly to the station when that happens,” Sonia explained.

“That sounds like a plan.” Zane nodded. However, he was still furious about the incident. “F*ck. I always thought I was good at analyzing others, but I can’t believe I was defeated by a woman like her. I’m so pissed!” he grumbled with his deep voice.

Sonia scoffed. “It’s not just you who failed to analyze her. I didn’t realize how manipulative she was either. I guess we were a little too conceited—we thought that we had it all within our control. Yet, reality came as a huge punch in our faces. Well, I guess it could also be a good thing. I’m sure we won’t make the same mistake twice.”

“I guess that’s true,” Zane uttered with a bitter smile. He continued with an apologetic tone, “I’m sorry that you were injured, Sonia.”

“It’s no big deal. Well, I guess that’s all for now. I’ll contact you when the policemen order us to head over,” Sonia said as she pinched the area between her brows.

“Okay,” Zane replied.

At the same time, Titus, Julia, and Rina were having their dinner in Gray Residence. They had no idea what was about to happen, but Rina felt a heavy feeling in her chest during their meal. She had a bad feeling about something.

All of a sudden, her phone began to ring. She lowered her cutlery and pulled her phone out of her pocket to glance at the screen. The caller ID indicated that it was a call from the Seafield Police Station. Rina’s expression darkened as she instinctively got to her feet.

Both Titus and Julia were surprised by her sudden change in behavior. “What is it, Rina?” Titus asked as he lowered his cutlery. Julia, too, glanced at her worriedly. “Yeah, Rina. Why do you look so pale? Who is the call from?”

“It’s… It’s the man who used to be my adoptive father.” Rina lowered her gaze to conceal the fact that she was lying. Titus immediately slammed his palm against the dining table. “Is he calling you to ask for money?” he asked with a grim look.

“I… I guess so.” Rina lowered her head even more.

Titus scoffed. “I told you not to contact those people anymore. Why won’t you listen to me? How many times have they called to ask for money?”

“Yeah, Rina.” Julia nodded in agreement. “Just think about the way that family treats you! Why would you still think of them? The more you think about them, the more they’ll pester you.”

“I’m sorry, Mom and Dad. It’s all my fault.” Rina pressed her lips tightly together after apologizing to them. Deep down, she was boiling with hatred for the Careys. Why would I contact them? I’d do anything to cut ties with them forever. It all started when Rina bumped into an old lady who was from the same village as the Careys. The old lady was nice to Rina, so Rina gave the old lady her phone number when the old lady asked for it.


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