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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 407

Chapter 407 Mr and Mrs Carey

With that presumption in mind, Toby turned to look in Rina’s direction.

After having seen Hal and Greta, Rina jumped to her feet from the chair in shock. There was unmistakable fear in her eyes as she trembled with nerves. How are they even here?

Realization dawned upon her at that moment and her eyes widened as she stared at Zane in disbelief. Mr. Coleman! He’s the one who brought this old couple over. It has to be him since how they came with him!

Her fear turned to hurt and anger as she dug her nails into her palms. When she fixed her gaze on him, there was a wounded look on her face.

She already had a fair idea as to why Zane had brought Hal and Greta here. More likely than not, he intended for them to expose her true identity in front of Titus and Julia! I can’t believe this is happening! How could he stoop so low? How could he do this to me when I love him the way I do?

Upon sensing Rina’s gaze, Zane couldn’t help but be amused, albeit bewildered. He didn’t understand why she looked at him as if he had broken her heart and toyed with the pieces.

However, he didn’t dwell much on this. He smirked and asked in a playful drawl, “Oh, Taylor, aren’t you going to greet your biological parents now that they’re here? What are you standing there for?”

Biological parents? Titus and Julia’s expressions instantly fell.

Titus, in particular, was staring at Zane mutinously as he barked, “What are you talking about, kid? What’s all this nonsense about her biological parents? My wife and I are Rina’s biological parents, and that’s the end of it!”

Although the DNA test results had yet to be produced, he was more than certain that Rina was his own flesh and blood.

There was a sadist edge to Zane’s smirk as he crossed his arms and retorted, “Well, I’m not wrong, President Gray. These two folks who came with me happen to be Taylor’s real parents. Why don’t you take a look for yourselves?”

He stepped aside to reveal Hal and Greta, who had been standing behind him all along. .

The moment they saw the middle-aged couple, Titus and Julia bristled. “Titus,” she cried in a quivering voice as she clutched her husband’s arm. “It’s him. That’s the man from the photograph!”

He gritted his teeth and stared daggers at Hal. He had known all along that Hal was the same person from the photograph; the recognition had been almost instant. However, Titus never expected that the man from the photograph would actually appear before him.

Titus was about to march over and interrogate the couple when their eyes brightened before they approached Rina enthusiastically.

When she saw both Hal and Greta drawing closer to her, Rina blanched as all the color drained from her face. It made her tremble even more, now that she felt like a cornered prey.

“Sonia,” Zane whispered into Sonia’s ear. “As it stands, Taylor is terrified of Hal and Greta, who is otherwise known as Mr. and Mrs. Carey.”

Toby narrowed his eyes in thought. So, Taylor’s biological father’s name is Hal.

A light smile touched her lips when she heard this. “Of course she’d be terrified. Don’t forget the life she used to live.”

Zane and Sonia had been right to say that Rina was terrified of Hal and Greta. After all, they were the reason for Rina’s deep-seated trauma and anxiety. She had been physically and emotionally abused by them; seeing them now only caused her fight-or-flight response to kick in, although she’d rather run off in fear than to face them head-on.

“Taylor!” Hal was the first one to reach Rina.

There was nothing else but greed in Hal and Greta’s eyes at the sight of Rina’s polished appearance. This brat has been living the high life. Her skin is glowing and she even has some meat on her! And the fine clothes she’s wearing must have cost a small fortune, too. As expected, life must be sweet for her now that she has a couple of rich parents.


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