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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 414

Chapter 414 Outright Blackmail

The corner of Toby’s lips twitched in amusement as he replied, “He probably got so mad that he fainted.”

Oh, is that it? Sonia pouted. “He must be really weak if he collapsed just because I teased him.”

He nodded. “It’s a little lame.”

Incidentally, Julia and Rina were walking over to the lounge when they saw a motionless Titus on the ground. She stopped in her tracks as shock registered on her face before she hurried over as she shrieked, “Titus!”

“Dad!” Rina rushed down the hallway alongside Julia and they quickly hoisted him into a sitting position.

He hadn’t completely blacked out and Julia proceeded to give him first-aid, hastily carrying out CPR.

It took a while before Titus finally caught his breath and as oxygen flowed to his brain once more, the seizure-like twitches stopped. That being said, he still looked deathly pale.

Julia soothingly patted his chest as though to maintain his circulation and she asked worriedly, “Titus, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” He flapped his hand dismissively. “My waist hurts, though.” It felt as though there were needles stabbing his midsection.


“Your waist?” She appraised the area and suggested frantically, “Did you sprain your waist when you fell?”

“Maybe,” he answered wearily, putting a hand on the dip in his waist.

A frazzled Julia opined, “Come on, I’ll bring you to the hospital.”

“Wait.” Titus pushed Julia aside and turned to look at Toby and Sonia before spitting maliciously, “I can let Sonia get away scot-free this time by not throwing her into prison, President Fuller, but at the very least, I think she should apologize to Rina and the rest of us.”

Sonia frowned and was about to object to this when Toby beat her to it. “And has your daughter apologized to Sonia? I’m not just talking about Taylor here; Tina has never apologized for what she has done to Sonia in the past either. As things stand, what right do you have to ask Sonia for an apology?”

“You—” Titus angrily broke off. After a moment, he waved his hand like he was batting away a fly and scoffed. “Fine! I won’t try to argue with the lot of you, seeing as you’ll only come up with more excuses!”

A cold sneer tugged on his lips as his gaze lingered menacingly on Sonia. “You better keep President Fuller tightly wrapped around your pinky, Sonia. Who knows what might happen to you if he abandons you one day? Let’s go!”

With that, he spun on his heels and stormed out of the lounge with Julia and Rina in his wake.

However, before Rina fully turned to leave with Titus and Julia, she met Toby’s eyes and exchanged a meaningful glance with him.

Presently, the defeated trio had barely left the vicinity of the lounge when their path was obstructed by two figures, namely Hal and Greta.

Hal’s eyes were bloodshot as he glowered at Titus mutinously. “Listen here, Gray, I know all about the DNA test results after Mr. Coleman told us about them. Now, I don’t know how this brat over here suddenly became your biological daughter, but I think it’s only right you compensate us!”

“That’s right! We demand compensation!” Greta joined her husband as she nodded firmly.

Meanwhile, Toby had returned to Sonia’s side and informed her, “Apparently, Zane’s trying to use Hal and Greta to get back at Titus.”

Sonia nodded. “Yeah, that sounds like something he would do.”

There was no changing the fact that Taylor was Titus and Julia’s child, not while there were several tests to prove it. Even as the plan she and Zane came up with had failed, it appeared that he was a sore loser who wanted to one-up Titus in any way he could. As such, being his pawns, Hal and Greta were currently pestering Titus for benefits.


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