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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 416

Chapter 416 Rina’s Fear

“Sonia, I have some matters to attend to later, so I won’t be able to see you off,” Toby said as he looked at Sonia.

She parted her red lips before calmly replying, “It’s fine. Let’s go, Wanda.”

Wanda nodded and followed Sonia as she wheeled herself toward the elevator.

He stood where he was and watched the two of them. As the two women were about to enter the elevator, he suddenly spoke up. “Sonia, have you heard of this saying?”

“Huh?” A puzzled Sonia turned around. “What?”

“Opportunities are earned since they are not given.” Toby wore a faint smile.

She frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

“If you’re not willing to give me a chance, then I’ll have to fight for it. I’m sure that I’ll touch your heart someday.” As he spoke, his expression was the most serious it had ever been. He could fall in love with her twice, after all. So, he believed that if he tried hard enough, she could also do it.

Sonia snorted. “Oh, really? All the best to you then. Let’s see whether I’ll be moved in the end. Let’s go, Wanda.” She lightly patted the armrests of the wheelchair.

Wanda gestured toward Toby to show her support before entering the elevator with Sonia.

Toby turned and walked in the opposite direction only after he heard the elevator bell ring to indicate that the doors were closing.

The meeting room was ahead of him. As he approached the door to the meeting room, he saw two policemen stationed there. He walked over to them and gave them a slight nod. “Good work.”

“No problem, President Fuller. However, there’s only half an hour left. When the time is up, we’ll have to take her back to the detention center. Please wrap this up as soon as possible.”

Toby gave a slight nod. Then, he pushed open the door to the meeting room and walked in.

Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, the occupant in the meeting room immediately rose from the chair and looked toward the entrance.

When she saw him entering, Rina subconsciously tensed up. Her hands were balled into fists as she greeted in a nervous voice, “President Fuller.”

Toby stode over with his long legs, his clear footsteps ringing straight into her heart. She couldn’t help but become even more tense, which caused her nervousness to increase further. He stopped two steps away from her and asked in a cold voice, “Aren’t Titus and his wife here with you?”

“Yes.” Rina nodded hastily. “My parents wanted to see me off to the detention center, but I managed to find an excuse to decline. After all, I can’t let them know about this meeting.”

Toby snorted. “‘Parents’? Feeling right at home, aren’t you?”

She could certainly hear the sarcasm in his voice, which served as a reminder that Titus and Julia weren’t her biological parents. Although she felt terrible, she did not dare to retort.


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