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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 418

Chapter 418 80th Birthday

The person on the other end of the line probably agreed, for Tim looked satisfied when he kept his phone away.

To him, people like Titus didn’t deserve a single kidney, much less two.

Meanwhile, Titus and Julia had just arrived at their car after getting the medication for him.

When they closed their car doors, the atmosphere was so heavy that it was almost impossible to breathe.

Neither one of them said anything.

Titus had lowered his head, so his expression wasn’t visible. His tightly clenched fists were on his knees; through the way those fists were shaking and the way the veins on his hands were clearly showing, one could quickly infer how terrible his mood was.

As for Julia, she covered her mouth as she quietly sobbed. How can this be? Titus has kidney failure!

“Honey…” Her eyes were red and teary as she looked at her husband.

He tightened his fists and relaxed them thereafter repeating the process a few times before he took a deep breath. After that, he managed to calm himself before he said in a stiff voice, “All right, stop crying. I’m fine.”

“How could you be fine? This is kidney failure we’re talking about! You’ll die!” An anxious and afraid Julia reminded Titus.

Throughout her entire life, she had always depended on other people to survive.

She depended on her father before she married and relied on her husband after marriage. Hence, she barely had any survival skills.

So, she couldn’t imagine what she would be like if Titus were gone.


Titus’ heart shook at the very thought of it and his face even trembled a little as fear flitted through his eyes—it was a fear of death.

No one wanted to die, nor would anyone be fearless in the face of death. It was especially true for rich and powerful men like him; he didn’t want to die, which made him even more frightened of death.

However, he felt nothing when the one dying wasn’t him, so he didn’t have the slightest bit of shame for forcing the technician and Henry to their deaths.

When the bell of death rang for him instead, he finally realized how scary dying actually was.

He couldn’t bear the thought of his days being counted.

Upon noticing Titus’ trembling body and reddened eyes, Julia hastily grabbed his hand. “Titus, let’s leave this country, all right? We’ll seek medical help abroad, for surely they would have better ways to treat your condition. If we leave for abroad, your illness will definitely be cured.”

He withdrew his hand from her grasp. “They do have better facilities, but they are also powerless in treating kidney failure. So, it’s the same whether we stay in the country or not.”

“Then… Are we really out of options?” a pale Julia asked.

Titus gritted his teeth. “There is only one option, which is to undergo a kidney transplant.”

However, he clearly remembered the doctor’s words.

The doctor advised that even if Titus managed to get new kidneys, he would still have a mere 10 years left.

10 years were far from enough for him.

However, if he didn’t have new kidneys, he would only be able to live for another year.

It wasn’t arduous to make a choice between one year and ten.

“Kidney transplant…” Julia repeated; then, as if she had made an important decision, she clenched her fists and added, “Then, we’ll go for it. I’ll contact all the organ banks, be it local or abroad. We’ll definitely search suitable kidneys for you!”

With that, she took out her phone and started to contact people.

Meanwhile, Toby had also received news of Titus’ illness.

He was surprised for a while when he heard that Titus suffered from kidney failure.

Titus had previously complained of pain on his waist at the DNA lab, but Toby never expected that kidney failure would be the cause.

“President Fuller, Titus and his wife will definitely start looking for suitable kidneys. Should we give them a hand?” Tom asked while looking at Toby.

Toby frowned. “Why should we?”


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