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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 422

Needless to say, Sonia had of course thought about it and approached other companies in the same industry. Nonetheless, she didn’t think those companies could bring much potential in the joint venture with Paradigm Co. since they were just small firms. On the other hand, those companies had also refused to work with Paradigm Co. as they were concerned about its bleak future. Due to that reason, her company soon found itself in a position with little room for improvement and growth.

Although Paradigm Co. was still operating as usual for the time being, she knew that her company would once again face an inevitable crisis if nothing was done to improve the status quo. After all, the revenues that Paradigm Co. made from its cooperation with the Fuller Group’s subsidiaries were not enough to keep the business afloat, let alone pay its debt that was worth tens of billions owed to Toby. Thus, having a joint venture with a new company was definitely a pressing matter for her.

Furthermore, Sonia also agreed with Toby that as the biggest shareholder in the company, she should get to know more people to expand her social network. After all, the commercial world was complicated and unforgiving. Those who fought alone wouldn’t last long, which resulted in cooperation becoming the most crucial way of survival.

It’s only by meeting more great people that I’ll know what I must do to improve myself, which is essential for my long-term success. Otherwise, I could be left out or even ostracized by the people in the commercial world. At the thought of that, Sonia suddenly caught on to Rose’s intention of giving her the jewelry. She then took a deep breath and stared blankly at the man in front of her. “Grandma wants me to meet those big shots during her birthday dinner. Am I right, President Fuller?”

As Sonia quickly understood the gravity of the situation, there was a trace of admiration in Toby’s eyes as he nodded. “Exactly. That’s what Grandma wants. If you want to know these people and work with them, you need to make yourself look valuable. Those people judge your ability to bring value to them from your appearance. So, if your outfit fails to impress them, you may not even get a shot to greet them, let alone meet them. Do you get me now?”

Unfortunately, that’s how grim the reality is! Despite his desire to introduce her to those big shots, he knew she would definitely turn him down because she didn’t want to depend on him. Thus, he had to create an opportunity by using his grandmother’s name to gather those big shots in one place before having Sonia do the rest. While he optimistically believed that she would learn a thing or two from the exposure, he would also be secretly observing her and be ready to create another opportunity for her should she fail to seize the chance this time. Deep in his heart, he wished for her to become better and more successful in her career.

“I get it now.” Sonia nodded, feeling touched. “Alright, I’ll take the jewelry. Please thank Grandma for me. She should be enjoying her twilight years, yet she is still so concerned about me.”

Soon, Sonia recalled how Rose was the only one who treated her kindly in the six years that she was in the Fuller Family. Because she only had eyes for Toby then, she turned down Rose’s invitation to move over in an attempt to avoid Jean. Thus, Sonia never really had the opportunity to repay Rose’s kindness because of her stubborn decision to stay in the Fuller Residence. I’m no longer the Fuller Family’s daughter-in-law, but Grandma still cares about me all the time. Oh, I really don’t know how I should repay her.

“Don’t mention it,” he chuckled in response. “It’s the least I could do.”

“What?” Sonia frowned doubtfully and opined, “I’m telling you to thank Grandma on my behalf. I wasn’t saying that to you, so what do you mean by that?”

A speechless Toby puckered his lips, somehow feeling a little bitter in his heart. Although it was his plan to begin with in the first place, he also had every right to say what he just did to Sonia. Nonetheless, he couldn’t speak the truth or she would immediately return the jewelry to him.

“Fine, you don’t have to be my messenger. I’ll thank Grandma myself later.” Sonia pursed her lips, thinking she should also assure Rose that she wouldn’t disappoint the old woman as she would close a few deals during the birthday dinner. At the same time, she would guarantee the old woman that she would take excellent care of the jewelry until she returned it after the birthday feast.

“Alright, please go ahead and talk to Grandma then. It’s getting late, so I should make a move and you should get some rest.” Toby took a look at his watch and stood up. Man, if it weren’t for this upcoming important meeting, I wouldn’t leave right now.

Sonia nodded and rose to her full height as well. “Have a safe trip home, President Fuller. Wanda, please see President Fuller off.”

“Yes, Miss Reed,” Wanda replied and showed him the way.

“Alright, I’ll head off then.” He looked at Sonia, who only responded with a cold grunt.


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