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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 433

Carl nodded. “Yeah, that goes without saying. You’re driving a sports car, so you’ll move faster. Why don’t you intercept Declan? We’ll hurry over right now.”

“Sure.” Toby accelerated and sped forward once again.

On the congested road, Declan’s driver returned to their procession with a frown.

“Young Master Declan, there are some issues,” he reported with a grim look. “There’s a pile-up in front. I think it’ll take an hour or two before the traffic clears up.”

“An hour or two?” The dissatisfactory answer put Declan in an extremely horrible mood, so much so that even his face contorted. “Why would it take that long?”

“Well, a number of vehicles are involved in the pile-up,” Johnny answered in a defeated tone.

Declan looked to his left and right, and everywhere he stared, he could only see endless lines of cars. The situation was indeed dire for Declan, and the fact that he couldn’t do anything to fix it was excruciating.

Great! Now we’re officially stuck here!

“No, we can’t get stuck here any longer. If not, Toby and Lucius are going to catch up to us soon,” he clenched his fists and hissed.

Johnny agreed with him and asked, “What do we do?”

Declan lowered his eyes and sank into thoughts. Seconds later, he gritted his teeth and declared, “Forget about the car!”

“Forget about the car?”

“That’s right! Our cars can’t move an inch in this traffic anyway. To avoid Lucius and Toby from catching up, we have no choice but to leave it here. Let’s take the mountain road by foot.”

“We’re walking to Misty Mountain?” Johnny’s chin almost fell onto the floor.

Declan shot him a chilling look. “Do we have a choice?”

“But walking on the mountain trail will take too long. It will take at least a few hours to reach Misty Mountain.” Johnny tried to talk him out of the idea. It’s ridiculous!

Declan rubbed his temples worriedly. “I know, but this is our best bet for now. The mountain road is definitely full of shrubs and trees. Those are perfect camouflage. Even if Lucius and Toby knew that we had entered the mountains, they won’t be able to find us.”

Johnny took a deep breath and nodded firmly. “Got it. I will make the arrangements and leave soon.”

Mhmm.” Declan twisted the wrench between his thumbs and looked down, while Johnny walked to the van and knocked on the window to inform the driver, Dan.

The window was promptly rolled down, after which the hulky driver poked his head out. “What’s up?”

“Young Master Declan said that we’ll leave the cars here and walk to Misty Mountain,” Johnny announced.

“We’re taking the mountain road?” Dan couldn’t help but inhale sharply. “That’s far.”

“We have no choice. If we wait this out, those men are going to catch up to us,” Johnny said while taking a look at the backseat. When he saw that no one was there, his expression fell, and his voice turned shrill. “Where’s she?”

“What?” Dan and the man on the passenger seat, Stan, exclaimed in unison.

Johnny pointed at the backseat. “I am talking about the woman in your backseat!”

“She’s there. She’s just stuck underneath the seat.” Stan, pointed lazily to the back.

Stan prompted Johnny to poke his head into the vehicle. Finally, he saw Sonia there, but he couldn’t help but find the situation a bit funny. “Hah! How did she end up there?”

Stan patted the shoulder of the driver. “It’s all because of Dan! He took a sudden turn, and she rolled down there!”

“Ah, is that so!” The three men guffawed in front, causing Sonia’s face to turn red in anger and embarrassment.

She knew that her current situation was hilarious, but she felt furious and irritated at their mockery.

Still, she couldn’t do anything about it, so she quietly watched as the men treated her as a joke.

No! Do I look like someone who wants to go to Misty Mountain?! Argh!

Come on, Sonia! Think! Think! You can’t just let them do whatever they want!


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