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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 486

She was only five when her mother passed away. Back then, she had no idea what cancer was, nor did she have any concept of death. All she knew was her mother was terribly ill and had to stay in the hospital for a long time. She had wanted to go to the hospital, but her grandfather suddenly came and took her away. He told her that Lina wanted her to spend the summer vacation with him. “Your mother will get discharged after summer ends,” he said.

However, after a month, her mother didn’t come back. All she saw was a little urn that contained her mother.

When she grew up and knew what death was, Sonia burst into tears. She regretted following her grandfather back then instead of staying with her mother at the hospital. If she did, she could have said goodbye to her mother.

That wish was finally fulfilled with this video, and she even got to say goodbye to her father. Six years ago, she also couldn’t say goodbye to her father since he had committed suicide. Fortunately, they managed to say goodbye to each other in the video.

Sonia ejected the disc and carefully held it, as if it was a priceless treasure. She could no longer hold her sorrow back, so she let it out in the form of tears. After a long, long time of crying, she finally got exhausted and drifted to sleep on the table.

Sonia was woken up by the sound of someone ringing the doorbell the next day. When she opened her eyes and sat up, she realized her whole back was sore and her neck was stiff. Oh, I don’t think I can move my neck. Dang it. After keeping the CD carefully, she got up and massaged her neck while leaving her study and heading to the door.

She opened the door only to be greeted by Charles holding a plush toy. “Morning, babe.” He grinned toothily.

Sonia was amused by his stupid grin, so she smiled. “Morning. Come in.”

However, Charles just stood there, as if he was petrified.

Sonia frowned. “What is it? Why are you just standing there?”

Charles finally snapped out of it and looked at her in surprise. “You’re back to your old self, babe.”

Sonia smiled. “Yes,” she answered curtly.

That piqued Charles’ curiosity. “How did you do that, babe? Did you accept your true identity already?”

Sonia grunted. “Yes, I did.”

“That was fast.” He held her hand and took her to the couch and sat her down. “Tell me, babe. How did you do it?”

He knew she’d accept the truth sooner or later, since the past couldn’t be changed. It’s not like she can break ties with the Reeds. However, he never thought she would get over it in a single night. He thought it would take her a long while to do so.

Sonia pulled a wet tissue out from the tissue box and wiped her eyes. Since she cried a few times the night before and didn’t remove her makeup before she slept, her eyes felt uncomfortably dry. As she wiped her eyes, she answered, “There’s a CD in the box Grace gave me. It’s a video my parents recorded before they died. They knew I’d find out about the truth sooner or later, so they made the video in case I overthought the matter. They told me they love me as a daughter even though they aren’t my real parents.” Then, her lips curled into a smile.

Charles looked at her and nodded in realization. “I see.”

“And I got over it.” She locked eyes with Charles. “They took me as one of their own. If I deny them just because they aren’t my biological parents, then I’m just a piece of trash.”

Charles sat up. “That’s right. Just keep thinking that way. I was worried sick about you last night, and Mom couldn’t even sleep. After all, she told you the truth, and she felt guilty about you feeling so down. She kept thinking she did the wrong thing.”

Sonia poured a glass of water for herself. “Sorry, Charles. Sorry for worrying you guys. I’ll call Grace later,” she said sheepishly.

“Sure.” Charles nodded. Just then, he remembered something, and he stuffed the plush toy into her hand. “This is for you.”


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