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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 513

Chapter 513 She’s My Cousin

Emily twirled in front of Zane before resting her hand on top of his shoulder once more. She acted like she didn’t understand his question and asked, “What do you mean, Zane?”

“There’s no need to put on a show at this point, Emily. You and Toby came over to dance beside Sonia and me because you guys wanted to exchange partners during the climax of the song, right?” Zane cast an angry glare at Emily.

She spread her red lips into a smile. “Fine, fine; I guess we didn’t manage to trick you after all. I can’t help it. Toby’s my cousin, so I have to help him to get the girl he likes, right?”

“That may be true, but don’t you think it’s a little too immoral to help him snatch a girl from another guy’s arms?” Zane pushed Emily away as he stopped dancing with her.

She staggered backward before steadying herself. Despite Zane’s harsh treatment, she didn’t seem angry at all—she merely tidied her long hair while speaking with a smile. “I don’t think it’s immoral at all. You’re not dating Sonia, so this is a fair competition. I guess it might be a little unfair for you since you don’t have a helper, but… I’m sure you can tell that Toby and Sonia are in love with each other, Zane. Do you think the partner exchange would have gone so smoothly if they didn’t have feelings for each other?” If Sonia hadn’t been interested in Toby, she wouldn’t have gone along with him even if he dragged her over. She might have even slapped him on the face.

However, Sonia did none of that and allowed Toby to lead the way. This showed that deep down, Sonia wanted to dance with Toby too. Zane quickly realized what Emily meant, and he clenched his fists after he turned to look at Toby and Sonia, who were already dancing. “I know that they’re in love, but…” Zane’s heart was filled with resentment.

“Since they’re in love, why don’t we just support their relationship?” Emily interrupted him with the wave of a hand. “I know you like Sonia, but what’s the use of you being stubborn when she isn’t going to reciprocate your feelings for her? You will end up hurting yourself, and you will still end up seeing Toby and Sonia together. Letting go would be the wisest thing to do here,” Emily advised.

Zane hung his head low. I understand all of that, of course. But I just can’t bring myself to let go of this. Although the public knows me as a playboy, I’ve never truly fallen for anyone. This is the first time I’ve properly fallen in love with a girl—how could I let go when I just caught feelings for someone?

After a moment of silence, Emily stepped forward and held onto Zane’s arms. “We can talk about this later. Let’s continue the dance, Zane; this is the last part of the song.”


“Forget it. I’m not in the mood. You can dance on your own,” he muttered while brushing her hands off. Then, he turned to walk off the dance floor and toward the hall’s exit.

Emily stuck her tongue out as she watched Zane leave. “Oh, dear. I seemed to have broken a young man’s heart. The number of sins I’ve committed just for the sake of you, Toby!” she mumbled to herself while she watched the rest of the couples dancing.

On the other side of the dance floor, Sonia had started regaining her senses after the initial shock of being pulled away by Toby. She tried to extract her hand from Tony’s hand, but his grip felt like a clamp, not allowing her to escape at all. He was holding her hand in a skilled manner—his grip was firm enough that she couldn’t leave, yet it wasn’t hard enough to hurt her.

“Let go of me, Toby!” Sonia hissed as she frowned at him.

He looked at her. “Stop moving around. My body’s still weak, and I only have one functioning arm. If you move around too much, you might bump into my other arm and dislocate it again. What are you going to do then?”

“You’re the one who’s asking for it! Why did you go onto the dance floor when you’re still not well? How do you expect yourself to dance with a sling around your arm?” Sonia shot him an exasperated glare.


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