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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 523

Chapter 523 Toby’s Delight

Toby was annoyed when he saw Charles’ name on the screen, but Sonia’s reaction made him happy. She’s telling me who it is so I won’t misunderstand her, huh? But she might not even know about this. “Take the call.” Toby slowed down. “He’s probably calling because he saw the news.”

“I think so too.” Sonia nodded and took the call. She even turned the speaker on.

Charles, as usual, said loudly, “Did you see the news, babe? Tina killed herself! Is that true?”

“It’s true!” Sonia answered. “The police called me and said she jumped off a building. I’m at the crime scene right now.”

Charles gasped in shock. “It’s true? And I thought it’s just some fake news the media made up to get some clicks. She actually killed herself?”

“Yeah.” Nobody saw that coming.” Sonia massaged the area between her brows.

Charles asked again, “So what’s the situation, babe?”

Toby frowned after hearing him call Sonia babe. Looks like I have to tell Charles to stop calling her that.

Sonia didn’t notice his displeasure, and she answered, “The police are still looking into the reason for her suicide. We don’t know anything else.”


“Is that so? I’ll come over then,” Charles said.

Toby pursed his lips, and Sonia saw it, so she shook her head at the phone. “It’s alright, Charles. Toby is with me, so you don’t have to come.”

Toby stopped pursing his lips and started to smile.

Sonia saw that as well, and for some reason, she was amused, and her eyes were filled with delight.

Charles, on the other hand, was unhappy, and his voice became higher. “What? He’s with you? But it’s so late already! How did you end up with him?”

“Grandma asked him to take me home. I couldn’t drive because I drank a little, so I agreed to it. But after that, I got the call, so I went to the scene with him.” She looked at the elevator and continued, “I’m going into the elevator now, Charles. Talk tomorrow.” Then, she hung up and went into the elevator.

After she came in, Toby stopped holding the doors back. “Why didn’t you tell him that it was just a stand in?”

“There’s no need.” She shook her head. “Only the three of us know about the truth apart from Tim. Not even the police know about this, so I don’t want too many people finding out. And once Tim is done with the autopsy, the police will know about the truth too, and they’ll keep it a secret. They won’t allow us to tell anyone either, so there’s no point telling Charles about it.”

“You really thought this through,” he praised.

Sonia smiled. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it,” Toby said. Then, he remembered something, and he gazed at her. “And I was really happy just now.”

“Huh?” Sonia paused for a moment. “Why?”

Toby smiled but said nothing. Sonia tilted her head to the side curiously, but since he didn’t want to tell her why, she wouldn’t force him.


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