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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 531

Chapter 531 Black Forest Cake

Sonia then flipped open a document and started burying herself in work. Later that afternoon, she told Charles that she was going to meet up with Toby to return him the jewelry, so she got into her car and left Paradigm Co. for the Fuller Group.

It was already 1.00 PM by the time she arrived, and she stepped right through the entrance before she saw Tom walking in her direction. “Hello, Miss Reed.”

“Hi, Tom,” Sonia replied with a smile.

“President Fuller sent me to take you to the office.” Tom stood aside, extending his arm to show her the way.

“How did he know I’m here?” Sonia appeared to be surprised. Although she did mention she was going to drop by in the afternoon earlier that morning, she didn’t tell Toby the exact time. Therefore, she had no idea how Toby came to know that she had arrived and ordered Tom to collect her.

Tom adjusted his glasses and explained, “Oh, President Fuller mentioned that you’d be coming in the afternoon, so I was told to wait for you here.”

“I see.” Sonia nodded in confusion. “Then, you must have been waiting for a long time.” Flattered by Toby’s decision to have Tom wait for her so early, she reckoned his sincerity deserved her appreciation.

“Well, not really. I just came down here about ten minutes ago. Anyway, Miss Reed, let’s get going, shall we?” Tom asked, to which Sonia responded with an affirmative hum. “Yes, please.”

Both of them then made their way to the elevator that was meant for Toby to use. As they passed by the lobby, their presence drew the attention of the crowd around them. Some who knew Sonia didn’t seem to be surprised about her arrival, considering the partnership between the Fuller Group and Paradigm Co. Thus, they believed Sonia was probably there to discuss some business with Toby. However, those who didn’t know her were seen with their mouths wide agape as they began to gossip in murmurs.

After all, since Tom was Toby’s personal assistant, they didn’t think he would send him to receive a random visitor unless it was someone important to him. Otherwise, he would have sent his secretary or some other assistant to receive the visitor. At that moment, they all couldn’t help but wonder who Sonia was and why Toby had to get Tom to personally receive her. Who is she? Why does Mr. Brown have to personally receive her?

In the meantime, Sonia could sense the strange eyes on her from everybody else, but nonetheless, she appeared to be indifferent toward their dramatic reactions, as she didn’t even bother to look at them. To her, she couldn’t care less about their judgment and opinions, since they were not going to do her any harm anyway.

I can’t control what people think about me, so they can look at me however they want.

One minute later, both of them arrived at Toby’s office, whereupon Tom opened the door and invited her in with his arm stretching out. “Please come in, Miss Reed.”

“Thank you.” Sonia expressed her gratitude politely and stepped into the office, only to see no signs of Toby. She then stopped in her tracks and looked back at Tom. “Where is President Fuller?”

“President Fuller is currently in the middle of a meeting right now, but he’ll be here in a few moments. So, please take a seat while waiting for him. Can I get you a little something to drink?” Tom showed Sonia the way to the couch.

Sonia sat down on the couch. “I’m fine with anything, so why don’t you make the call? I’m not fussy anyway.”

“I’ll make some tea, perhaps. Please bear with me for a moment, Miss Reed,” Tom said.

“Sure.” Sonia nodded.

As soon as Tom excused himself, Sonia put her purse down on the table in front of her and reached for her cell phone in it. Then, she saw a notification popping up on her phone screen, catching her attention. “The Stryder Family is under investigation?” Sonia immediately sat up straight and opened up the notification to view it, only to realize it was a news report about the Stryder Family’s detention.

When Sonia learned that the authority had launched an investigation on the properties the Stryder Family owned, she curled her lips and sneered. Deep down, she didn’t feel surprised about the news at all, knowing that the Stryder Family would soon have what was coming to them.

Ever since Melody was arrested, it was only a matter of time that the police would publish the news across Seafield, especially after her confession about being Tina’s accomplice and the murderer responsible for the death of Peter’s first love. After all, Melody was from the Stryder Family, which was highly respected and revered by society.


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