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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 534

Chapter 534 The Grudges Between Them

Not long after the three of them had returned to Toby’s office, the doctor Tom summoned earlier arrived. Immediately, Sonia cleared away the things on the coffee table to make room for the doctor’s medical kit.

However, the doctor had only just put down his kit when Toby pointed at Sonia and instructed, “Attend to her first.”

“President Fuller!”


Tom and Sonia protested simultaneously, making their objections clear. As far as Tom was concerned, Sonia was relatively unscathed, whereas Toby’s foot was swollen.

As such, it made sense for the doctor to tend to Toby’s injuries first instead of checking up on Sonia.

Sonia, on the other hand, thought the same thing. The abrasions on her arm were not any worse than Toby’s swollen ankle, but more importantly, he had been the one who stepped in and saved her in time. On that point alone, he rightfully deserved all the medical attention.

At the sight of Sonia’s stony expression and stubborn refusal, Toby parted his lips to say something but thought better of it when he felt her overwhelming authority loom over him.

It was only after she had seen him give up on his attempt to argue that she looked away and addressed the doctor in a white coat with a polite smile. “Please attend to him first, doctor.”

“Very well,” the doctor agreed with a perfunctory nod. “President Fuller, could you please lift your leg for me?”

Toby frowned, seemingly reluctant to follow orders.

Sonia pursed her lips at this and urged like a flustered hen, saying, “Didn’t you hear the doctor? Lift your leg up so he can examine it! How else do you expect him to go about this?” Without warning, she bent over to wrap an arm around his injured leg to lift it.

Toby hadn’t expected her to do this, and he stiffened at the sudden gesture. However, this only made it harder for Sonia to lift his leg, and she reached out to tap him on the shoulder, hissing, “Hey, loosen up!”

Upon hearing this, Toby snapped out of his daze. He couldn’t suppress a smile as he relaxed his body.

When she felt that his leg was not quite as heavy and stiff as before, she successfully lifted it up and propped it on the sofa. “You can examine him now, doctor.”

“Alright,” the doctor replied as he walked over to the sofa and crouched down, thereafter checking the swollen area.

Meanwhile, Tom stood to the side with his hand clasped over his mouth to keep from laughing. He was highly entertained by how Toby dared not utter a word of complaint even though he was anal about someone touching his foot, all because Sonia was staring at him like she would not hesitate to put him in place. Maybe fear really is the heart of love after all, Tom thought in amusement.

Toby seemed to realize what Tom was laughing at, and he narrowed his eyes at the latter as though saying icily, I can’t believe you have the nerve to laugh at me when you don’t even have a lover.

As if reading Toby’s mind, Tom felt the grin slide off his face. His lips gave a final twitch before he put on a straight face again, though his pride was definitely hurt. He’s right. I probably shouldn’t make fun of him when I’ve been a bachelor all my thirty years of life. I really ought to work on my game.

Presently, oblivious to the wordless exchange between Toby and Tom, Sonia kneeled down before Toby’s injured foot and asked the doctor worriedly, “How’s his foot looking, doctor?”

The doctor pressed down on Toby’s ankle, which made Toby frown. Seeing this, the doctor understood the extent of Toby’s pain and turned to grab a bottle of cooling spray from his medical kit. Shaking the aluminum bottle twice, he aimed the nozzle at Toby’s swollen ankle and sprayed it. “It’s nothing serious. He put a strain on his ligament, which is just another way of saying he sprained his ankle. He’ll be fine in a couple of days.”

When Sonia heard this, she let out a sigh of relief and said, “Oh, thank goodness.” Then, she looked at Toby and flashed him a bright smile. “Did you hear that? The doctor said you’ll be fine in a couple of days!”

Toby nodded, eyeing her with endearment as he answered, “I heard him.”

She stood up. “Thank you for what you did earlier.” They had been downstairs, and she was just about to get into the car when she heard the sound of an approaching vehicle, but she did not turn to see where that vehicle was going.


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