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Torn Between Love and Hate novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Test the Medicine 

Ashton stopped talking and immediately got up to leave. 

“What happened?’ Ashton asked in a low voice. 

Nina said with a sad face, ‘Ms. Bauer was at the hospital just now. Seeing you leave in a hurry, she was worried that something had happened to Ms. Shepherd. 

“No matter what, Ms. Bauer said that she had to come back to see Ms. Shepherd. As soon as she came back, she fainted due to 


Nina blamed herself. “It’s all my fault for not being able to stop Ms. Bauer. She is very weak now, but she is too worried about Ms. Shepherd. No matter what, she said that she had to see her.” 

Ashton rushed to the living room. Helen had been helped up by the servants and sat on the sofa. Her face looked pale and weak. 

Ashton walked over and said, “Why aren’t you staying in the hospital?” 

Helen said weakly, “Ashton, have you found Debby? She is my only sister. If she is in danger, how can I forgive myself?” 

Ashton comforted Helen lovingly, “She’s already back. What can happen to a woman like her? Alright, let Dr. Wilson take a look at you first. II take you back to the hospital later.” 

Helen breathed a sigh of relief and nodded obediently. “I’m so glad to hear that Debby is back.” 

Ashton helped Helen to the treatment room upstairs and asked Andrew to treat Helen. 

When the treatment was over, Ashton got up and went to the study room with Andrew. 

“Ms. Bauer is in a bad condition,” Andrew said in a heavy voice. 

“Her liver condition is not good enough to deal with physical needs. This fainting is just the beginning. Moreover, the hospital has checked and said that Helen’s liver is showing signs of failure. 

Ashton asked, “Then what should we do?” 

Andrew hesitated. “I asked the foreign medical center to develop a medicine to repair the liver. It can heal the liver faster and reduce the damage and failure of the liver. It’s just that the medicine has just been made. It’s best to test the medicine first…” 

Ashton did not understand. “How do you want to test the medicine? Do you want Helen to test the dosage first?” 

Andrew shook his head. “It’s not for Ms. Bauer to test the medicine. Ms. Bauer’s body is too weak now, so she may not be able to bear 

the effect of the new medicine.” 

Ashton understood a little. “Dr. Wilson, do you mean to find someone else to test the medicine? This person is not easy to find. 

Medicine tests usually use mice, right?” 

Andrew looked embarrassed. “Mr. Mullen, with Ms. Bauer’s current situation, to be safe, it is best to find someone to test the medicine. It is best to find someone who has the same physical condition as Helen.” 

Ashton was a little impatient. “Dr. Wilson, if you have a suitable candidate in your mind, just say it directly. I don’t know anything 

about medicine. You can decide.” 

Andrew was silent for a long time before he spoke again, “Mr. Mullen, I am only proposing the most suitable candidate. It depends 

on your opinion. 

“I think that Ms. Shepherd and Ms. Bauer are biological sisters and have liver surgery at the same time. Ms. Shepherd donated part of her liver. If she were to try this medicine, it would be the most valuable reference for Ms. Bauer.” 

Seeing that Ashton did not say anything for a while, Andrew immediately changed his words. “I was too talkative. I will go find other suitable candidates immediately.” 

As Andrew was about to go out, Ashton stopped him. “After this medicine was developed abroad, no one has tried it?” 

Andrew replied, “Mr. Mullen, this new medicine has been tested before. After the medicine was produced, the doctor in the medical center personally took it. 

“He also found a few patients with liver diseases and tried it. The effect is good 

Ashton said in a deep voice. “Then why do you still want to try?” 

Andrew concealed the quilt in his eyes and calmly replied, “I feel that Ms. Bauer is someone that you are very concerned about. Therefore, I need to be cautious when using the medicine. 

“Although there are no problems with testing this medicine, I think it might be better if I find someone who has similar conditions like 

Ms. Bauer to try it again.” 

Andrew added, “Of course, everything depends on you. It is possible to directly give it to Ms. Bauer. After all, doctors have tried it. It’s safe. Even if there is a problem, it will be a small problem.” 

Of course, Ashton was not willing to let Helen take the risk. Even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance that there was a problem, Ashton didn’t want to do so. 

Ashton thought, anyway, nothing big will happen. It will be good to ask Deborah to try it first. She is in good health and will be able to 

withstand the problem. 

Ashton made up his mind and ordered Andrew, “Then let Deborah try the medicine first. Helen’s body must be guaranteed to be safe.” 

Andrew nodded and was about to go out when Helen suddenly pushed open the door and came in. She said emotionally, “Ashton, you can’t do this! How can you ask Debby to help me test the medicine? It’s too dangerous!” 

Ashton did not mind Helen barging in and comforted her indulgently, “Don’t worry about Deborah. Your body is the most important. 

How can she be compared with you?” 

Helen said uneasily, “But what if the medicine has side effects and causes Debby to be in danger?” 

Ashton replied without thinking, “That’s fine. She died to save your life. She deserved that.” 

Helen still wanted to say something, but Ashton spoke up, “Alright, Helen, there’s no need to say anything more. You can go out with 

Andrew. You should take a rest.” 


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