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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62

“What does a lily mean?” I ask him as I grab Percy some water from the nightstand, hoping I can get him to drink something. “And why would that be something that concerns Elm?”

“Elm calls his mate his lily. His queen. It is the name everyone calls her now.” Brent says.

I spin to look at him, taken aback by his response, then my nose crinkles in thought.

“But how would Percy know that?” I ask him. “He is as new to this council stuff as I am. I doubt he has met her before.”

Brent looks at the small paper still on Percy’s lap as Percy stares out the window as if in longing. A frown tugs at Brent’s lips as he lets out a heavy sigh

“I don’t know. But I do know that the second Elm sees this, he will be alarmed.”

“You can’t really think that Elm’s own mate has something to do with…”

Until recently, I really didn’t think hybrids could exist either, and yet here one stands in the flesh next to me.” He gives me a soft smile.

I move toward Percy, sitting on the bed next to him. My hand reaches out, gently grabbing his to get his attention, but it’s like: trying to get the attention of a hollow log.

Percy, you need to drink something.” I say softly, shaking his hand slightly.

“He won’t drink it.” Brent reminds me.

“But he responded to me, demanding he draw something.” I remind him and he shakes his head like I’m not understanding something.

“Your Luna command worked because it appealed to the gamma in him. His job is to protect you. It is what he is programmed to do. He can only fight so much, he won’t waste the energy listening to the demand to drink water.”

“I can’t just let him waste away and die because some asshole possessed him and left him like this.” I grit out fighting back tears.

“I know he is your gamma and you have a special bond, but we need to inform the others. If it is Lily, then Elm needs to know. he is being betrayed and act accordingly.”

“I thought you were going to try to break the curse, or whatever it is. At least try to make it better?”

“I need things. If it were a simple witch’s charm, it would be easy, but with the Fae if it is Lily’s doing, then I need things from nature. They tie everything they do to the earth. So right now, we need to focus on sharing what we know first.”

I look at Percy once more, reaching out and turning his face so his empty eyes are trained on me. He is just a shell of who he is. The light gone from his eyes and his skin pale and sunken already. He is wasting away and we need to save him, just this once it is my turn to protect him.

“Percy, I will be back later I whisper to him, hoping he can hear me somewhere in his void mind. Then I turn to Brent and sigh heavily. “Let’s go.”

It hurts to walk away from Percy, leaving him looking like this when he has done nothing but put himself on the line. I want nothing more than to return the favor and protect him back, but I can’t do anything until we break this freaking link between him and the asshole who has their claws in his brain.

We move in silence back to the room where Merikh is. I rest my hand on the door, pausing when it opens slightly but stops. I can hear voices, that of my biological father and Merikh whispering in hushed tones and then I hear my name.

“But, Merikh, Colette would be safer” 1 hear my father plead.

“She is safe with me. Did I not prove that?” Merikh growls lowly.


I furrow my brows in confusion, looking up at Brent, who clearly can’t hear what is being said as clearly as I can with my enhanced hearing. Had he known this was my father’s plan to ask me to go with him all along? Was that why he brought it up earlier?

“She was safe with you, but now that you are injured, how long will it be until you can protect her again? Colette should be working to hone her skills. She has potential to be both a skilled siren and werewolf if we let her embrace both sides. Let her stay with me, just until you are back up to full fighting strength.”

“I will not let her out of my sight.” Merikh says, his voice laced with pain. “She is my mate. Mine to protect and rule with. Without her, I am nothing.”

My mouth is dry as I try to swallow. They think they can make decisions without my consent? Say yes or no to things that concern me without even first consulting me? Would Merikh even tell me if he didn’t know I overheard him? I remove my hand, taking a step back. My fingers quivering before I drop them to my side.

Brent stares at me quizzically but he says nothing as I push back my frustrations and annoyance before I shove the door open. and enter the room pretending like I had heard not a word they were discussing.

Chapter 62 1

Chapter 62 2


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