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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 197

True Luna by Tessa Lilly (The Unknown Magic)

The White Wolf Series Book 4 – CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE – Do We Really Have To Do This?

(Alexander’s POV)

“Do we really have to do this?” Mason complained as I was tying my shoes. “Yes,” Mike said. “We are doing this for Sophie. S*uck it up and stop complaining.”

Mason rolled his eyes and sat down on my bed.

“Are Hayden and Danny coming as well?” he asked, making me look up at him.

“Yes,” I said. “Hunter said that he wanted to meet everyone.”

Mason mumbled something under his breath.

He was annoying the f*uck out of me. I didn’t want to do this either and I didn’t need his annoying attitude.

“Stop acting like that, Mason,” I said. “This is hard on all of us. We don’t need to put up with your attitude as well.”

Mason sighed and ran his f*ingers through his hair.

“I am sorry, okay?” he mumbled. “I am scared. I don’t have anything against Hunter, but I am terrified of what his father might do.”

I gritted my teeth.

Hunter said that his father had changed, but did he?

“Do you think that he could hurt Soph?” Mike asked quietly.

I felt a spark of anger inside me. Just thinking about Fia getting hurt had me ready to unleash all the power I possessed.

“I don’t know,” Mason sighed. “He could want revenge. He could use her to get back to our parents. We don’t know the man. All we know is that he f*ucking threatened to kill my mom and kidnap my aunt.”

I gulped and stood up.

“He won’t be able to hurt her,” I said as I grabbed my hoodie and pulled it over my head. “Number one, I would f*ucking kill him before he tried. Number two, Fia can use her magic to defend herself. Number three, I think that Hunter cares about her. He wouldn’t let his father hurt her.”

“Just keep an open mind, Mason,” Mike said. “I know it’s hard, but we have to do it for Soph.”

I smirked and looked at Mason. “How the hell is your younger brother wiser than you are?”

Mason looked at me and rolled his eyes. Mike laughed.

“Can we just get this over with?” Mason mumbled as he stood up and walked to the door.

Mike and I followed him out of the room.

We walked down the stairs and saw Alpha Hunter talking to my dad and uncle Andrew.

I could tell that both my dad and my uncle were tense, but both had polite smiles on their faces.

Uncle Andrew looked up at us and his smile widened a little.

“Are you ready, guys?” he asked.

“Where are Hayden and Danny?” Mike asked instead of answering his dad. “Here,” I heard Hayden’s voice behind me.

I turned around and smiled.

“Hey, kid,” I said, smiling brightly at him.

“Stop calling me a kid,” he sighed, rolling his eyes. “I’m 16 years old.”

“You will always be a kid to us, kid,” Mason said, chuckling.

Hayden sighed and rolled his eyes at us.

I loved that kid. He was going to be a great Alpha one day.

“Where were you?” I asked as I glanced at Hunter.

He had a smile on his face and he looked excited.

“Just saying bye to the girls,” Danny said. “Halley and Hazel are with Soph.”

I nodded and looked at Hunter.


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