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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 100


I ponder his words, yet I realize now I had Lyon completely wrong. Behind the hard facade he puts forth in front of his brothers, he is selfless, good. Far beyond what I imagined. It makes me wonder what I'll find at Zeke's Kingdom and lastly what I'll find at Regan's.

Who is truly worthy of forgiveness or are they all?

"So what's the verdict?" Lyon asks, turning his head to look at me. My lips tug in the corners.

"I don't know.... I think a life of condemnation sounds fair. What do you think?" I ask him.

"Really?" he questions sitting up on one elbow and raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I've had a terrible time here," I breathe out, shaking my head. I glance at the night sky, yet I can't help the smile that tugs at the corners of my lips. "I guess you'll be condemned to eternity with me," I tell him.

The corner of his lips quirk up in a grin, "Eternity with you sounds like the best kind of punishment," he murmurs, leaning over me and pressing his lips against mine.

My heart flutters at the contact. His kiss is different from his brothers - gentle yet passionate. He explores my mouth hungrily with little moaning noises that escape him as he deepens our kiss. The scent of smoke mingles with his masculine scent, filling my senses as I tangle my fingers through Lyon's hair while he kisses down to my neck leaving behind heated kisses on every inch of exposed skin, until finally traveling back up to meet mine again... all under the starry night sky above us. My hands go to his shirt, my fingers fumbling with the buttons and I feel him smile against my lips at my eagerness to touch him.

Lyon pulls away from me for a brief moment, his lips hovering over mine as he speaks. "Zirah," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "I want you."

The words send shivers down my spine, and I nod eagerly, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt until with one swift motion, Lyon removes his shirt and kisses me again, his body pressing against mine as we continue to kiss. His skin is warm and smooth under my fingertips as I run my hands across his chest and down his back.

Lyon's hands begin to explore my body, his touch igniting a wildfire within me. Every inch of my skin burns under his touch, and I moan softly as he presses his body closer to mine. His hands roam over my body, tracing every curve and dip until I can barely stand it anymore.

I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer as I lose myself in the heat of our passion.

Without breaking our kiss, Lyon begins to fumble with the buttons on my blouse until it falls open, exposing my bare chest to the cool night air. His mouth descends upon one breast while his hand caresses and teases the other.


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