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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 110


The transition from wilderness to cityscape is almost instantaneous, as if passing through an invisible wall. Suddenly, we were engulfed by towering skyscrapers, iridescent moving frames on buildings, and snaking highways teeming with vehicles. I peered out of the window; the limo shielding me from the chaos of the city but not from the sensory assault—lights, sounds, people—so many people.

"Welcome to my kingdom," Zeke announced, his voice tinged with pride and a hint of sorrow.

As the limousine rolled down the street, my eyes were drawn to two towering displays - like TVs but on the sides of buildings. A colorful mishmash of images and symbols move and morph in ways that seem impossible. "What is that?" I ask, pointing to the technicolor spectacle with its flashing lights.

"It's a billboard," Zeke explains. His words barely register; my attention is caught by a holographic figure dancing mid air, its movements so fluid and realistic. I can see tiny details, such as wrinkles in clothing or slight changes in facial expressions as if they were alive! I gasp in amazement as scenes unfold around it—a man walking his dog in nature, an ice-cream sundae with sprinkles that flash—each one more magical than the last.

"Wow!" I breathed, marveling at the incredible sights before us. Zeke smiles indulgently at me and pointed things out, explaining what different things were. Everywhere we went, there were more billboards featuring bright lights, vivid colors, and awe-inspiring special effects on display for everyone to see! There were even moving holographic ads for cars driving through busy intersections or floating above busy streets! Not to mention the neon signs and computer-generated displays everywhere one looked!

As we continue driving, I am lost for words - overwhelmed by everything I have seen. This place is so different from anything else I have ever experienced before! It is as if this world were taken out of a science fiction movie and brought into reality right here in front of me!

As we continue our journey, it becomes clear that Zeke's kingdom is no ordinary city; it is a living, breathing entity, throbbing with life and an undercurrent of hidden sin. Everywhere I look, there is extravagance: lavish apartments rising high into the sky, each balcony flaunting opulence with hot tubs and robotic servants. The streets are paved and lined with exotic trees that shimmer with a surreal glow under the city's illuminated lights.

Beneath the gleaming facade, there is also a less charming reality. The city is bursting at its seams with its citizens; people swarm everywhere like ants in a hive, an unsettling wave of humanity that seems to have no end. Streets are clogged with pedestrians, sidewalks are crowded, and parks are overflowing.

The glamor fades further when we reach the city's underbelly; the homeless, their numbers shocking. The city sparkles with a false charm, an illusion concealing the truth of its monstrous size.


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