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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 112


As the limo draws to a halt, the sight of Zeke's castle leaves me awestruck. It's a grand spectacle of towering spires and shimmering turrets laced with ornate gold filigree. The main castle doors swing open, and we're immediately in the thick of an atmosphere so intense, it's nearly tangible. The castle bustles with life and activity. People line up for warm meals, medical care, and a place to sleep. The grandeur of the exterior belies the harsh reality within, and I feel an unexpected pang of amazement for Zeke.

We walk through the castle, each room telling the lengths he has gone to try to support his kingdom. What should have been a ballroom, a banquet hall, and a library is repurposed into shelters, soup kitchens, and makeshift clinics. The crystal chandeliers now cast their light on rows of cots where homeless citizens seek shelter. The grand fireplaces serve as heating for rooms crammed with individuals in various states of despair. "You turned this place into a homeless shelter?" I ask, a little shocked.

"No, but yes, in a sense. I have to be limited with who I have here, so I only take families with children. I can't house all of them, so I choose the most vulnerable or at risk on the streets. We rotate them out once they find permanent housing or jobs.

Unfortunately, this last lot has been here for six months, and there are no houses left, even with subsidized rents. The city is at full capacity. I tried to purchase more land, but my city's debt risk outweighs its lending ability." I let his words sink in. Having to pick and choose, I can not fathom how hard that would be. How saddening it would be to turn people away.

Finally, Zeke leads me up a grand staircase to a set of double doors at the end of a long hallway. As we enter, the contrast is stark. This room is pure luxury - his bedroom.

"You may have the bed," Zeke says. "I'll take the couch. If that will make you more comfortable being here with me." I chew my lip and nod. Zeke places his hand on my lower back, leading me to the other side of the room to a door. He pushes it open, revealing a huge bathroom. "I'll grab some towels. It seems I've been cleaned out," he laughs softly.

My mind is a whirl of conflicting emotions as Zeke retreats to fetch me a towel. I peel off my clothes and step into the ensuite. As I'm about to step into the shower, Zeke re-enters, his eyes drawn to the intricate network of runes decorating my body. His gaze is curious, not lecherous, and I feel a blush creep up my neck nonetheless.

Before I can step in, Zeke steps forward, brushing up against me just as I move to do the same. We bump into each other, doing an awkward sidestep before he cuts me off again and chuckles. His hand grips my shoulder softly before reaching past me to hang a towel on the rack behind us.

"Sorry," he murmurs, while his fingers linger for just a second longer than necessary. The heat of his body and the roughness of his callused hands sends shivers down my spine that cause goosebumps all over my skin, hungrily inviting Zeke's touch even further, if only fleetingly so.

His eyes travel to the runes down my arms, fingers gently trailing, before moving to the ones on my chest; his fingers skimming my skin make me shiver, and his eyes dart to mine at the action, a hint of a smile on his lips.

“Seems I can draw at least some reaction out of you." I raise an eyebrow at him. He shrugs. His eyes move back to the runes, brows creasing. "Did these hurt when you..." he trails off.

"Burned alive?" I laugh. He swallows and glances away, nodding once.

"No, Zeke. I don't remember these or much of my death and rebirth," I tell him. He lets out a breath, his fingertips dancing along my collarbone.

“These runes...” Zeke trails off, stepping closer, his fingers lightly tracing the Eye Rune below my throat. “What do they mean, exactly?”


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