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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 16

Zeke staggers forward, stopping as he takes in the scene before him. The confusion is evident in his features as his eyes go to the wolf beside me, then to me.

He also has gray sweats on with a black tank top. He isn’t covered in the same ink, more of a tribal design down his arms, yet also the same runes look at the same time it was like the runes blended and morphed into the tribal pattern that covers his arms from what I can make of them.

However, turning to look at the third brother who has entered, Lyon is wearing jeans and a shirt, though it is drenched in blood, making me wonder what trap he stumbled upon within the maze. He has a huge cut across his chest that has sliced through his shirt and across his chest.

They all stand there, glancing at each other and at their wolves at my feet. Lyon tilts his head to the side while Regan looks at me in shock still.

His shock soon dissolves when he smirks. “Out of all them that entered, of course, it had to be you that lived!” He sneers, his eyes flickering dangerously with a predatory glint. “Maybe I will get to have my fun destroying you after all.” he chuckles darkly.

King Zeke growls, eyeing one wolf in particular in anger. “One job Hunter and you couldn’t even complete it, you useless wolf!” he snaps angrily.

“None of them did. Doesn’t that make you question why?” Lyon asks, his eyes roaming over me, examining me from head to foot as if he is looking for what is so special about me.

Well, if he figures it out, I hope he lets me know so I don’t accidentally piss off these wolves and have them turn on me. Yet his words seem to go unnoticed by his brothers, while I have been pondering that question since I woke up.

Glancing down quickly, I make sure my arms are still covered remembering Malachi’s comment about them hating witches, and one glimpse at my skin and I might as well pick my pillar to burn at.

Maybe the fates don’t hate me after all because my arms are still covered and no breeze moves across my back, so I know it is covered too; my legs not so much, but the blood covering them keeps me pretty covered, not that I have any marking on my legs.

Regan takes a step into the center toward me, and the wolves tense, their eyes going to their masters. Zeke watches his brothers, his head turning from side to side in some silent challenge when all their eyes fall on me.

My heart thumps erratically at the sudden attention, much preferring the growling and sharp teeth of their wolves to the predators that now watch me. Within seconds of the silent nervous glances they send each other, all three rush at me when the wolf I spent my sleep laying on lunges at Zeke’s face.

King Zeke moves quickly, diverting the attack he clearly did not expect by the shocked gasp that leaves his lips. The wolf latches its powerful jaws around his arm, its sharp teeth ripping through his flesh, while he shakes his head viciously.

Zeke roars in fury, shaking his arm furiously before punching the wolf. Still, the wolf hangs on, biting down harder. Regan and Lyon freeze, and back up as the other two wolves snarl and snap their mighty jaws at their masters in a warning. A sickening crack sound, followed by a yelp, draws my attention to the wolf attacking Zeke. He is flung off when he kicks it. His enormous body goes flying toward me.

A whimper escapes me when I see the wolf hit the ground, skidding across it and stopping a few meters from me. He whines and tries to get up before collapsing again. The other two wolves snarl louder, and I notice Lyon back up and put his hands up in surrender. “Settle down, boy,” Lyon tells the wolf, forcing him back while Regan growls back at his wolf Gnash, who is facing off with him.

“Fucking try it, Gnash, I fucking dare you!” Regan snarls at his wolf. Zeke curses, examining his arm where his flesh looks like it has been torn apart with a rusty piece of tin. Blood gushes out of his arm, dripping from his fingertips and spilling onto the grass below his feet.

“Hunter!” He screams, stalking toward the injured wolf and my eyes widen when I see him raise his fist. The wolf shakes his head, getting to his feet just as I stupidly grab him and yank him back.

The wolf rears back onto me with a yelp just as I feel fur brush across my face on one side and my arm on the other that is wrapped around Hunter’s wide chest.


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