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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 20

“I guess you now know my predicament as to why I can’t wear dresses?” she nods her eyes wide as she takes in the runes, covering my arms. Her lips tug up in the corners and she lets out a breath.

“On your chest?”

“Nobody knows, only the late Queen. Your secret is safe with me.”

“As yours is with me. Malachi said the Kings hate witches. Somehow, I think your dresses will get me killed long before I can escape here.”

“You want to run? You’ll do it?”

“Well, I am certainly not marrying one of them.” Her brows furrow and she slowly nods, her eyes darting to Hunter at my feet.

“The King is going away soon…” she peers back at the closed door. “That will be your only chance, if you are taken to one of the three kingdoms…” she looks down at Hunter once more. “You won’t return. They’ll kill you the moment their father’s back is turned. If you’re going to run, do it then, I will try to help anyway I can.”

I brush Hunter’s fur and nod my head before looking back at her. “Shouldn’t you be telling me not to run since you are the King’s maid?” I question.

“I may be the King’s maid, but that doesn’t mean I have forgotten what his sons did to my sister, and I certainly haven’t forgetten what they did to my coven. None of them deserve the throne, and right now you are the only person standing in the way of them getting it. If one of them doesn’t marry, the King will name someone else as his successor. He told me he has a backup plan but didn’t tell me who.”

“He can do that?”

“He can do what he wants, he’s the King,” Shelley says and I chew my lip, pondering her words.

“I will find you some clothes that will cover those. I heard the whispers of the staff in the stables, even overheard Malachi tell King, yet I thought he lost his marbles, the Kings sought out every witch and killed them.”

“The King knows what I am?”

“Yes, he ordered Malachi to tell everyone not to tell his sons. The King was secretly hoping you would win. Apparently, you left quite the impression on him when he saw you. Though even he didn’t look like he believed Malachi’s claims, so I hope he doesn’t see those before you escape.”

“Why would he hope I would win?”

“He said you were tougher than the others, that maybe you would survive his sons.”

“Survive them?” I scoff.

“King Regan wasn’t lying when he said you’d be lucky to last a week, this isn’t the first time their father has fiddled with their loves lives. The other girls barely lasted a week before they killed themselves, or worse, they killed them,” Shelley tells me and a shudder runs through me.


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