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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 31

One of the servants quickly serves me juice and eggs on toast; Shelley hovers, refusing to let me leave until she has watched me eat every crumb before handing me an apple.

“I’m fine!” I assure her, even so, I take it, tapping my leg. Hunter slowly gets to his feet and stretches. I watch him. He’s been off since he woke up, almost depressed. “Hunter, come on, boy.” He wags his tail, moving to keep up as Shelley leads me back to my room. Once we are inside, she locks the door and turns to me. Reaching into the pockets of her apron, she pulls out a key.

Grabbing some decent clothes out and removing the robe, I pull on a long sleeve top and the skirt; I have to roll it to keep it on my hips. This one is a little too big, doesn't have a drawstring, and is much lighter than the others.

“This key is for the back entrance gates behind the stables. It is heavily guarded, but shift changes at midnight, and it is left unguarded for approximately ten minutes. It’s only guarded by the cameras and alarms.” She tells me, walking over to the bed. She grabs the corner of the mattress by the bedside table and slips it on the bed base before dropping the mattress and tucking in the bed linen.

“So I have not only ten minutes to escape, but I have to somehow hide from the cameras and not trip any alarms?”

“No, before I leave, I plan on getting into the surveillance room. I will set them on a timer and shut them off for twenty minutes. But listen to me, Zirah, this is very important. Head west, follow the path, and don’t stray from it! Do not run into the forest North. That will lead you into enemy territory.”

“Follow a path. Wouldn’t it be under surveillance?” Shelley shakes her head.

“Yes, but you have ten minutes. Follow it to the drains. They will lead you outside the kingdom's borders back toward the mountains. You'll get out unnoticed if you can get to those mountains and the neighboring towns.” She tells me.

I chew my lip and nod my head before looking down at Hunter, knowing I can’t take him. “When?” I ask her.

“In two nights from now, Zeke is your best shot. He’s a terrible alcoholic and is usually passed out by then.”

“Why not tonight?”

“Because tonight the King leaves, and the King is ordering someone to be stationed at your door until you are under one of his sons’ care.” I sigh. This is a mess, and I am not looking forward to spending a night with Regan tomorrow.

“Here, the King told me to give you this,” she tells me, reaching into her pocket and pulling a plastic card out. She hands it to me and then gives me a small purse full of gold coins. I hold the card up, having never seen it before. Turning it over, it has a stripe along the back and numbers on the front. What am I supposed to do with this?

Shelley purses her lips. “Maybe just use the coins,” she says, taking it and tucking it inside the purse.

“There is enough gold in there; you could buy whatever you want anyway, and I don’t have enough time to school you on its use. Maybe ask King Regan?” She suggests. I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Good point, maybe not.” She chuckles.

“Now remember midnight, head west along the path!” She repeats, gripping my shoulders when we both freeze, hearing a knock on the door. “Just a minute. She is changing.” Shelley sings out, and I quickly finish getting dressed, pulling the sandals on and ensuring the sleeves cover me completely. However, when I tug the sleeve down to my wrist, I notice the first rune on my arm is fading. I stare at it, and Shelley glances at the door before looking at me.

“What is it?” I point at my wrist.

She grabs my wrist, turning my arm, studying the rune before yanking my sleeve up, her fingers tracing over them like it is the first time she truly looks at them.

“But these are cloa—” her words are cut off when the door opens, and the door handle hits the floor. Shelley yanks my sleeve down, and King Regan steps into the room.

“I said an hour. A king does not wait.” He snarls, and Shelley drops my hand and her head.

“Sorry, my King. We must have lost track of time.” Shelley answers, apologizing for me, yet time hadn’t really passed that quickly, had it? Shelley gives me a worried look, but one growl from King Regan sends her rushing from the room.

“You don’t have to be so rude,” I snap at Regan before tapping my leg. Hunter gets up slowly from his spot in front of the fireplace and wanders over, his tail wagging.

“Leave him here.” King Regan says abruptly.

I look at the King, but his eyes are on Hunter. “He needs Zeke’s blood. He is weakening and soon will start decaying.”

“What?” I ask, horrified. Decaying?

“Yes, he needs his master’s blood.”

“Can’t you give him yours?” King Regan shakes his head and crouches next to me, ruffling Hunter’s fur.

“No, we’ve tried in the past; it makes them sick. They’re sired to their master only. Only Zeke can fix him.” King Regan says, grabbing his face. He tilts Hunter’s head up, prying his mouth open and looking inside his mouth before doing the same to his eyes.

King Regan clicks his tongue. “You need to give him back to Zeke unless you want him to die. He’s gone too long without blood.” He says, standing up.


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