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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 56

To punish them, she would curse her child to be with them. It makes no sense, and I have so many questions racing through my mind, so many things I can’t fathom or understand.

“What about Sloth?” I ask, and Regan sighs.

“We all are. We all just stood back and watched her die, we let my father do the dirty work, but we are just as guilty. He may have killed her, but we let him.”

“Why did your father want her dead, though, and to kill her so brutally?”

“She was a witch. Back then that is how witches were killed. Only it was her death that brought on the curse. Her dying sealed it.” Regan explains.

“If you knew she cursed you, why kill her?” I ask.

“We didn’t know until she burned, and we burned along with her. The markings appeared first. They glowed brightly, showing our shame, and we tried to cover them. A few days later, the curse was revealed on the walls of her cell. All curses need some sort of sacrifice to be made or some gift or offering.”

“She sacrificed herself; she made a fail-safe in case she died,” I whisper, and Regan nods.

“Yes, and a good one too. Not only did she curse us, but she cloaked her daughter. We can’t identify her and her us.”

“What do you mean?”

“We aren’t sure. My father in a rage, burned the cells, erasing the curse from the walls before we could finish deciphering them,” he explains, and my eyebrows raise.

“I don’t get how I fit into any of this. Why would your father force your hand just because he is dying? He’d have to know it wouldn't work.” I mutter.

“That is what we are trying to find out, too. He has another agenda we just aren’t sure what is yet.”

So in all this, I am just a pawn to King Theron; it makes no sense. Why would he go to such extremes and pit them against each other if he wants them to get along and rule together?

Regan falls quiet like he, too is thinking the same thing when what Shelley told me takes up the forefront of my mind. If I don’t choose between his sons and none prove worthy, he’s handing the throne to his half-brother Malachi. My thoughts are working overtime as I try to mesh what Shelley told me and what Regan believes, trying to form some logical answer.

If I chose one, what would he gain? Because Regan believes I have no choice, it was never mine. That all his father is doing is trying to force them together to rule. But he would have to know he’s setting his sons up for failure. Or maybe that’s the point; if they can’t work together, none of them get the throne, but I doubt Malachi will stand against his sons. So he can’t give him the throne either unless they’re all dead.

It makes no sense why he would risk his sons. There has to be more, something he is hiding if what Regan claims are true. Because from what I do know is that no woman survives them. So he would have to know they would kill me! That makes my mood plummet further; he has not only set his sons up for failure but signed my death sentence.

“The curse on you, you share it with your brothers, right?” Regan stops his pacing and looks at me.

“Yes, though each of us was cursed for different reasons, we all played our part in Litha’s death,” Regan tells me.

“What do you mean?” I ask, and he sighs.

“Zeke…” A knock sounds on the door, and we both freeze, staring at it when it suddenly opens, and Zeke walks in.

“How did you–” Zeke holds up a key, and Regan growls, shaking his head.

“You should be more careful where you leave your keys, brother. Anyone could have come in.” he states with a taunting smile. His eyes move to me, and I clutch what’s left of my top closed.

“I see you’ve been having fun with your little toy, Regan. I hope you’re not growing attached to her, you know she won’t live and I don’t want to be the reason your heart gets broken, father is up to something and I will play no part in it, and if you were smart neither would you.”

“Then leave, Zeke!” Regan snarls.

“Me? I think not, brother. Do you truly believe I don’t know you and Lyon are working against me, you always have, and I am done with this false truce, this facade we all play? Now hand her over.”

“Zeke!” Regan growls.

“Hand her over, Regan,” Zeke speaks slowly, and I can hear effortlessly the threat behind his words.

“You kill her, and father will strip you of your throne!”

“So you keep reminding me, I have no intention of killing her, you know I don’t like getting my hands dirty, but accidents happen. Father knows this.”

“He set forth the rules.” Regan snaps.

“I am well aware of the rules, Regan. But one thing I have learned is rules are sometimes supposed to be broken. Sometimes the consequences are worth it, don’t you think?” Zeke speaks in riddles I don’t understand, but by the look on Regan’s face, he knows exactly what Zeke speaks of.

“So worried about your precious throne Regan. You are more than the seat in which you sit. We have bigger issues, and this is merely his way of distracting us from what he is truly hiding!”


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