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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 60

The bear drops back down on its paws and runs at me and I narrowly miss its body barreling toward me when I dive out of the way. The bear turns and I scramble on the loose leaves and twigs, rushing for my axe beneath Zeke who is thrashing still trying to get free, my hands lock around the axe, just as the bear's claws hook into my ankle and I scream as pain slices through my leg.

Tossing me back the other way. I hit a tree and the ax goes flying from my hand. Shaking my head I try to feel for the other elements but the bear's teeth and claws coming toward me make me rush to my feet. Only the moment I put pressure on that foot, my leg gives way at the pain. I choke on it, and move toward the river.

“Zeke, call Hunter!” I groan when I am tackled by the bear. It rips through me and Zeke roars.

“Hold on Regan and Lyon are on there way!” Zeke yells out while I am being mauled, It teeth sink through my jacket and my hands fumble, for anything grabbing a rock, I smash it in the head, I can hear Zeke ripping apart the vines, trying to get free, and I wonder if this is when he’ll leave me for dead. The bear makes a pained groan and I smash it again, this time on the nose. It rears back, clutching its face and adrenaline shoots through me, I take off for the river as quickly as possible, with a limp. Blood is gushing from my shoulder, and my pants are saturated with blood like the rest of me.

I am nearly at the water's edge when I am hit from behind. My body is tossed forward as claws slice through the arms of my jacket and the air stolen from my lungs as I am plunged into the icy water. The bear landing on top of me, my hands flail as I try to get back to the surface, breaching it only momentarily when the bear's paws are pulling me back under. I scream and bubbles rise to the surface and I try to think but in my panic I can’t keep a straight thought.

Seconds feel like hours as I thrash, trying to kick and hit it, anything to make it let go when I feel teeth sink into my abdomen, making me choke and swallow more water, placing my hands out I try to feel for the vibration of the water, the energy and its essence, the water suddenly turns still and I nearly gasp realizing granny’s water magic is working, the rune on my back burning fiercely and I stare up at the bear which is staring at the stilled water, it’s paw on my chest.

When it drops it’s beneath the surface to eat me, I push as much energy as I can at it, blasting it in its face. The bear roars and bucks and I escape its sharp claws and swim for the surface while feeling the rune burn out. Crap, I now only have two more chances and I wasted one of saving Zeke’s dumb ass. Swimming to the surface, I suck in a huge gasping breath of air and try to swim for the bank, the river now flowing fiercely and my fingertips brush a reed, dangling over, I grasp it when I feel weight shove me back under, and my fingers lose grip.

Kicking my legs I stare through the murky water to the surface above convinced this is how I will die. Bubbles rise to the surface, and I choke, the bears weight on me crushing me and as I stare at the light above when I see huge furry black feet stomp on the rocks near my head. I blink feeling the water filling my lungs, it burns at first but then I feel no pain. Some strange bizarre tranquility moves through me as I drown. My eyes flutter shut when suddenly the crushing weight on top of my lifts and clawed hands grab me. I wait for the bear to rip me to pieces, when air brushes my face.

I gasp, sputtering on water, my lungs burning as the pain quickly returns to find I am in the clutches of huge black Lycan. My hands grab his shoulders and my legs kick when I see Zeke’s Lycan body pummeling the bear that is trying to now kill him. Turning my attention back to my grabber, I stare at the lycan clutching me wondering who it is when another gray one bursts through the trees. My eyes burn from the water and so does my nose as I see it jump in to help Zeke, while the one clutching me moves to the river edge and climbs out.


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