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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 63

Regan growls low threateningly, his shirt tearing more with each breath he takes as he tries to fight the urge to shift. Gnash growls off to the side of me while the cold metal of the blade digs into my throat.

“Zeke…” Lyon whispers, and I swallow, staring up at Zeke.

“No, he needs to pick sides. Now fucking choose!” Zeke yells. Regan grits his teeth but says nothing but I can tell by the way his eyes flicker he is livid and wants to hurt his brother.

“Choose! Her or us brother who will it be?” Zeke booms angrily.

Regan remains quiet when Lyon speaks.

“Tell him, Regan, fucking tell him you choose us!” Lyon pleads.

“I can’t do that….” Regan speaks and the heavy weight of his words lingers in the air while Zeke glares at him.

“You’d choose her? You’d fucking choose a mere human bitch over us!” He booms, his fist coming down on the table beside my head.

I jump the blade digging into my neck harder. “After everything, everything I gave up for you!” Zeke yells at him.

His hand clutching the knife shakes against my throat, the blade slicing my skin. I hiss and Regan moves but stops when Zeke moves the blade cutting a line through my shirt and down my chest making me squirm and hiss.

“Zeke!” Regan speaks and I can hear the panic lacing his voice.

“I lost her because of you, and I chose you over her,” Zeke states emotionlessly.

“I told you not to!” Regan yells.

“But I did!” Zeke yells and the blade stops, my skin stings where the knife has marked it and Regan looks on the verge of jumping over the table to grab it.

“You’re my brother, my blood!” Zeke continues.

“She was a baby!” Regan screams back at him.

“And I would have raised her! I would have looked after her….” Zeke booms.

“Zeke, come on brother you’re hurting her,” Lyon whispers his hand grabbing Zeke’s just the blade cuts the center of my bra, the bra spills open, my breasts on display and the vial that was between them rolls off my chest onto the table. The clink of it rolling into the wineglass drew Zeke’s attention to it. He tilts his head to the side. Reaching for it and I move to snatch it, only the blade then pierces my breast, making me cringe and clutch it.

Zeke’s eyes dart to mine as he plucks the vial up, holding it up to the light.

“You were going to poison me?” he whispers and his canines protrude as his temper rises. I shake my head in panic and he digs the blade into my breast making me scream. Regan and Lyon both go to grab him, but Zeke is faster pressing the blade to my neck making them freeze.

“Where did you get this?” Zeke asks, his eyes going to Regan.

“I gave it to her. Now let her go, Zeke.” Regan admits and his eyebrows raise.

“You would help her poison your brothers?”

“No, just you. I don’t trust you with her.” He answers and Zeke scoffs.

“Clearly she can’t be trusted with you! Plotting against us! Is father’s throne really worth so much to you!” Zeke booms.

“No!....but she is,” Regan says and I turn my head to look at him, the blade slicing my skin. He swallows guiltily.

“I let my mate die to save you…” Zeke snarls.

Regan looks away guiltily and I glance at Zeke in confusion.

“I chose you over my mate!” Zeke bellows.

“Our mate!” Regan screams back at him. “Do you think I didn’t want to keep her too?” Regan retorts and Lyon drops his gaze and swallows.

“Of course, you fucking didn’t, you fucking killed her!” Zeke yells at him.

Regan shakes his head. “So this is on you!” Zeke snarls before he drags the blade down my stomach to my pants. He starts hacking at them and I thrash when he suddenly grabs them tearing the front apart and revealing the fact I have no underwear on.

“She’s alive!” Regan blurts out, and Zeke snarls.

“Don’t bullshit me to save her!”

“I never killed her, I couldn’t do it!” Regan speaks his hands moving to grip my shoulders, I feel the tremble in them and I clutch his arms. My breathing is harsh as Zeke peers down at me trembling beneath him.

“I swear she is alive, who do you think I’ve been searching for this entire time!”


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