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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 7

The first man wanders over to me, and I stiffen, my eyes darting to the women beside me, only now I find they’re gone, pressing against the far wall in fear of the three monstrous Kings who have entered. He prowls toward me, circling around me, his bottle of liquor in his hand, sizing me up; he tugs at my dress and flicks my hair while I watch the other man.

“Where are the men?” The man who entered last demands, turning to look at Malachi.

"The King has changed plans. He has new intentions for the maze this year." Malachi answers, unfazed by the deadly lilt in his tone.

“What intentions?” the man asks. “You'll have to take it up with your father, King Regan,I am not at liberty to tell you,” Malachi answers when I feel fingers grip my chin. Unthinkingly, too busy paying attention to the new intruder, I slap the hand that touches me. Within seconds, the man's fingers are locked around my throat.

“You dare slap a King,” all smiles and drunken gander gone, now replaced with an ice-cold tone. The maids back away, and I choke as his grip tightens. I could feel the blood rushing to my head as my lips part, in shock.

“Zeke, let the bitch go. She will be dead in a few hours anyway,” The man Malachi called King Regan snarls.

His brother, however, doesn't. Instead, King Zeke’s grip only grows tighter as he crushes my windpipe. “Mind your manners, or next time I'll beat them into you.” he snarls before shoving me away. The backs of my feet hit something, and I tumble backward, landing on my ass. I glare up at the King with as much venom as I can muster. All while biting back the urge to swallow, feeling like something is lodged in my crushed windpipe.

“She is a feisty bitch. I can't wait for our wolves to rip her apart,” King Zeke announces, swigging from his bottle.

He then turns on his heel and nudges his other brother. “Come, Lyon, let's go see what the old bastard is up to now,” Zeke tells him, storming out of the stables. Well, at least I now know the names of the men who would make me meet my end. Zeke, Lyon and Regan.

However, when I went to get up, using my hands to push up off the ground, a foot came down on my hand, crushing my fingers, and making me halt. Lifting my head, I come eye to eye with King Regan. He stares at me intently, tilting his head to the side.

“ Is everything alright, my King,” Malachi asks in a bored tone. King Regan grips my face, turning it this way and that. His brows furrow as he leans closer, he sniffs me before pulling away with a look of confusion on his face which he quickly masks.

“Where did you find this one?” he questions, not taking his eyes off me. “The north mountain, sir,” Malachi answers him simply.

King Regan tilts my face higher, his grip becoming harsher as he examines my face as if he was trying to burn it into his memory. His teeth protrude slightly from his lips, razor canines, barely visible. “She is an interesting one. Did she put up a fight?”

“Not much of one, but she did kick me when I tried to grab her out of the tunnel,” Malachi states.


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