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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 71


"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," says King Theron’s voice behind us.

Regan’s steps falter for just a moment, but he quickly recovers and continues walking, ignoring his father's words. I can feel the tension in his body, in the way he grips me tighter as we move through the dimly lit corridors of the castle.

A loud bang echoes through the air, causing me to flinch. Regan suddenly grunts, and his entire body turns rigid. His lips part as if he wants to say something, but no words come out. I look at him in confusion and fear, searching his face for an explanation. Lyon gasps from the stairs, and Zeke peers up at his brother, his eyes wide with shock.

Another bang reverberates around us, and this time, Regan drops me as his back arches in pain. His eyes flicker to his Lycan side, and a deep, menacing growl escapes him as he turns to face his father.

Only then do I notice the bullet holes in his back. A thud sounds behind me, and I glance over my shoulder just in time to see Lyon collapse to the ground on the stairs. His face twisted in agony.

My heart races as I peer back at Regan when Zeke suddenly collapses next to me, too. Regan staggers forward and then snarls. He takes another step toward his father. King Theron stands with a gun in his hand, a cruel smile playing on his lips. He pops another vial of bluish liquid into the chamber and takes aim at Regan. Before he can shoot, Regan collapses on his knees just as Malachi and the King's guards rush out of the dungeon.

"What have you done?" Malachi gasps in surprise as he stares at the unconscious forms of Zeke and Lyon while Regan is on his knees, gasping for breath.

"What I had to..." King Theron answers at the same time that Gnash roars, racing towards King Theron, determined to rip him to shreds for hurting his master. But in the next second, the gun fires again, and Gnash hits the floor, just as Regan collapses. King Theron’s eyes meet mine, filled with cold, calculating fury.

“Grab her! And lock my sons in the dungeon,” he orders, his voice cold and ruthless. As the guards move to obey, I scramble back, fear coursing through me as I try to come up with a way to escape.

Desperation fills me, and I glance at the fallen bodies of Regan, Zeke, and Lyon. Just as the guards reach me, I throw my hand out, my hands glowing as I muster every ounce of my power to summon air to push them back. They fly across the room, slamming into the walls with sickening thuds while I move to get to my feet.

I stumble towards the door, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I run. I can hear the guards behind me, their footsteps heavy on the marble floors. I run for the double doors leading out. Only when I rip them open do I come face to face with Shelley.

"Hello, Zirah..." She then lifts her hand and blows black powder in my face. My vision flickers, and my throat burns fiercely as I struggle to breathe.

"You should have run when I told you to. Now you've left me no choice, nothing personal, but I can't have that curse broken," she whispers while I claw at my throat, trying to stop the burning sensation that moves to my lungs. The footsteps chase me slowly before coming to a halt as the guards catch up with me.

"Grab her!" King Theron orders behind me, yet I can't seem to think clearly. Whatever Shelley used on me steals my breath. My vision tunnels, and I grab onto Shelley's arms, trying to steady myself and regain my bearings when suddenly, everything turns black.

My eyes flutter open, and the darkness of my surroundings slowly gives way to dim, flickering light. My head throbs painfully, and it takes me a moment to realize that I'm not in a familiar place. The cold stone walls and iron bars enclosing me send a shiver down my spine. I'm in a cell. Panic surges through me, and I try to move, only to find that my hands are chained.

Voices echo through the dungeon, drawing my attention to the source of the noise. Malachi is arguing with King Theron, their voices raised in anger. I struggle to focus on their words, but my head feels like it's filled with fog. In the cell across from me, I see King Regan, Zeke, and Lyon, along with their wolves.

"Finally, you're awake!" King Theron growls, approaching the cells.

"Where am I?" I ask groggily, trying to get to my feet, yet I find my ankles bound too.

"Don't play dumb with me, witch. You know exactly where you are!" I stare at him, confused. Why does he think I am a dead witch? Peering around, I find guards peering at scrolls and the walls.

It takes me a second to figure out that–this must be the dungeons where they kept Litha. The charred walls and bars are proof enough, yet what they wish to retrieve from the walls is beyond me. The carvings are barely visible when I notice one wall remains untouched, etched into the stone. I gasp when I see the curse embedded deep in the rock, and I begin reading.


Regan. I bestow the sins of Wrath and Lust. May your anger consume you and your desires be your undoing.”

Zeke, I curse you with Gluttony and Envy. You shall never be sated, and your jealousy will poison your heart.

To you, Lyon, I grant Greed and Pride. Your insatiable hunger for wealth will leave you empty, and your arrogance will blind you to the truth.

And to you, King Theron. I curse you with Sloth. You will never know the love which you crave. Your complacency will ruin you.


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