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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 85


Yet there is something eerie about this man, wisdom beyond the age he looks. He had an uncanny resemblance to his brothers Malachi and Theron, yet he seems calmer, more levelheaded. His eyes track me as I move toward him, like a cat hunting a mouse, his movements graceful, otherworldly.

"They're right, you know?" the vampire man states casually. He tosses a billiard ball back onto the broken table.

"You forgave Regan," he continues.

"I marked him. That doesn't mean I forgive him," I tell him and Regan drops his head. James shrugs, stepping closer until he stands before me. I glance at my wolves, yet they don't seem fazed by this man's presence.

"Same thing. Yet what if I told you one of them had already earned a place beside you? Maybe both have, yet I know for sure one never did," he tells me, his eyes cutting to Regan. Regan growls and steps forward, yet I put my hand on his chest. This man, as odd as he is, there is something knowing about him and I suddenly want to know what he means.

However, he glances over my shoulder when he hears movement behind me. "Finish the maze trials. Maybe not all of them are dead ends like you think," he says cryptically.

"You want me to forgive them, let them live when they've done nothing to earn their lives?"

"Well, that is debatable. But how do you expect them to prove it, if you've condemned them already?" he asks in return.

I glance at Regan, yet his jaw is tight, and he is glaring daggers at his uncle. "Maybe you were too quick to forgive this one without really getting to know your other choices, Zirah."

"Choices? I am the choice. They chose wrong,"

"Maybe so, but so did your mother. She didn't just curse the Lycan Kings. She cursed all the Lycans. Now what do you think will happen when the entire Lycan population finds out a female Lycan exists? What do you think your kingdom's enemies will do? ... They'll come for you and you know it. You don't have to like them or even forgive them, but it's better to have allies on your side than to know only enemies. Somehow, I believe you'll find they want the same thing."

"I want revenge; I highly doubt they want the same," I tell him, about to move past him when he grabs my arm.

"Who said they didn't?" he whispers.

"My brother wasn't the best father. He has played his sons against each other from the moment they existed. How do you expect them to act differently when that is all they've ever known?" he tells me. I look at him, his blood-red eyes peering back at me.

"Finish the maze trial, this marriage agreement, then decide. If you decide they deserve death, I will kill them myself," he tells me, and I am taken aback by his words.

"You would kill your own nephews?"


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