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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 95


The next morning Regan gifted me Gnash. Zeke, not to be outdone, gave me Hunter. As grateful as I was for their offerings, I was taking them anyway. "If you need me to come get you, ring me, doesn't matter what time it is, I'll come get you," Regan whispered, before he tilted my head up. His lips brushed mine gently as his fingers tangled in my hair only for him to deepen the kiss as he stole my breath. When he released me his eyes seemed darker, the shadows cast on his face seemed more sinister.

When he turned to look at Lyon. "Hurt her and I fucking kill you," Regan warned Lyon. "I'm not the one she has to fear," Lyon sneers back, yet my attention remains focused on Lyon. He opened the car door motioning for me to climb in, Gnash, Hunter, and Shadow jumped straight into the limousine, as they made themselves comfortable on the floor. Zeke shut the trunk, having put my bag in it just as the driver climbed into the driver's seat.

"Have fun," Zeke smirked cockily, and I rolled my eyes at him, ducking my head and slid across the seat. However, once in the car and we were on the road, the silence became deafening besides my wolves panting as they rest.

Lyon's usually cocky demeanor was missing as we left the kingdom borders, replaced with an uncharacteristic nervous energy. He toyed with the hem of his suit jacket, throwing glances my way with an apprehensive glint in his eyes. I moved closer to him, sliding across my seat, my curiosity piqued.

"What's bothering you, Lyon?" I questioned, hoping to uncover the reason for his restlessness.

"I'm worried...that you won't like my kingdom," he confessed, the words falling out in a reluctant tumble. My brows pinch in confusion.

"Why wouldn't I like it," I asked but he bit his bottom lip. I’d ever seen him this nervous before, it was unsettling for a man that usually seemed so sure of himself. Instead, he draped his arm across my shoulders, pulling me closer before he pressed his lips to my temple. One part of me wanted to push him away, another wanted to comfort him. It was an odd mix, so I remained still. "Sleep, it's a long drive?"

"I thought your kingdom was the closest?"

"No, mine is the furthest. Regan's is the closest," Lyon answered, and I glanced at him.

"Guess he wants to go last," Lyon whispered. "Which means you should be asking why. Now sleep," he said.


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