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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 98


After spending the vast majority of the day at Serenity, swimming, eating and lazing around, we headed back to the castle. Yet as we emerge from the tree line, Agatha is waiting for us.

"Aggy?" Lyon smiles, moving toward her. The old woman grins, her face a maze of wrinkles and creases, her eyes a vibrant blue. "Lyon, my Queen," she smiles brightly.

"We were wondering if you'd be joining the rest of us for dinner tonight?" she asks and I glance at Lyon. "Choice is yours," he tells me and I nod, eagerly wanting to see what the city is like at night.

"Of course," I tell her, motioning toward the winding path back to the city center. As we reach the vast space. Children play, their laughter carrying and echoing around us. The adults had come back from the fields, baskets full of fruit and vegetables, men carrying trays of fish they'd caught that day.

Watching, everyone has a job, a task as the area goes from stalls to an outside restaurant, tables, picnic blankets, fur rugs cover every inch of the place. Everyone brings a plate of something to contribute, bringing what they've harvested. Those that didn't bring food brought entertainment, musical instruments, while others cooked. Lyon, just like everyone else, moves to help before I lost sight of him. I help the women, setting up the tables, arranging food, while children played, danced, and sang. Glancing around, the atmosphere was homely. Something I never realized I craved. Something I never realized I'd lived without.

Breads, cheeses, and cold meats covered the tables, along with freshly picked and peeled fruits and vegetables. Bonfires are scattered around the place, kegs of punch and water had jugs passing under them. When Lyon returns with another man and a group of kids carrying wooden platters piled high with grilled fish, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride seeing him with his people. I realized this was not the man that betrayed my mother, he had truly beaten his sins and morphed into the complete opposite of who he once was. Gone were the days when Lyon desired only wealth and grandeur. Now, he was content with his humble kingdom, dedicating himself to diligence and humility instead of greed and pride. He no longer gave into the temptation of his sins, but showed grace and honor instead.

As the night wore on, the bonfires burned low, and the laughter and chatter died down to a murmur. I found myself sitting next to Lyon on a fur rug, staring up at the star-filled sky. "This is beautiful," I whisper, leaning my head against his shoulder.

Lyon wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer to him. "It is," he agrees, his gaze fixed on the stars. "But not as beautiful as you."


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