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Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 


Fear ran through me like a live wire and I was worried that he could hear my heart beating out of my chest. I was scared that because of how fast it was beating, it would break through my chest and splatter on the floor in front of us. That would be a messy sight but it would be better than the palpable fear

He was tall, I would say he is at least a foot taller than me. I barely came up to the middle of the chest and he wasn’t just tall, he was huge. He looked like he worked out daily and he was well built. I was terrified of him and even though the nice girl from earlierClara- had told me that he wouldn’t hurt me, I couldn’t bring myself to believe her

I trust her but nothing about this Alpha seems calm and forgiving. The suit he was wearing gave off the vibe of regal and terrifying and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was going to do to me. Maybe he would punish me for stumbling across his territory and running away from him or maybe he will just banish me from the pack

I couldn’t help but hope for the latter option. Banishment will be a better idea than being punished because I don’t think I am strong enough to handle the punishment that I will be given at his hands

I was staring at his well polished shoes and I felt him step closer to me. Something foreign pulled at my gut almost as if it was compelling me to look him in the eye. I didn’t see him well the last time and I couldn’t help but want to analyze the contours on his face. He stopped right in front of me and I could feel the heat of his skin through his clothes

I got this foreign urge to just close up the distance between us, rest my head on his chest and feel the heat of his skin on mine. I didn’t know this man but there was this urge to just allow him hold me and some part of me was convinced that all my problems would cease 

in that moment

Stop it,’ I murmured to myself as I tried to scrub those images out of my head but it felt like they had been cemented in place

It felt like the more I tried to fight them, the deeper they burrowed in the recesses of my mind until my cheeks were heated and probably resembling a tomato as I clenched my fists to stop myself from making any stupid decisions that will probably end with me being imprisoned or whipped

Besides, I had just lost my mate. Even though I wasn’t sure whether Blake was my fated 


Emergency calls onlyM

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Chapter 15 


Fear ran through me like a live wire and I was worried that he could hear my heart beating out of my chest. I was scared that because of how fast it was beating, it would break through my chest and splatter on the floor in front of us. That would be a messy sight but it would be better than the palpable fear

He was tall, I would say he is at least a foot taller than me. I barely came up to the middle of the chest and he wasn’t just tall, he was huge. He looked like he worked out daily and he was well built. I was terrified of him and even though the nice girl from earlierClara- had told me that he wouldn’t hurt me, I couldn’t bring myself to believe her

I trust her but nothing about this Alpha seems calm and forgiving. The suit he was wearing gave off the vibe of regal and terrifying and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was going to do to me. Maybe he would punish me for stumbling across his territory and running away from him or maybe he will just banish me from the pack

I couldn’t help but hope for the latter option. Banishment will be a better idea than being punished because I don’t think I am strong enough to handle the punishment that I will be given at his hands

I was staring at his well polished shoes and I felt him step closer to me. Something foreign pulled at my gut almost as if it was compelling me to look him in the eye. I didn’t see him well the last time and I couldn’t help but want to analyze the contours on his face. He stopped right in front of me and I could feel the heat of his skin through his clothes

I got this foreign urge to just close up the distance between us, rest my head on his chest and feel the heat of his skin on mine. I didn’t know this man but there was this urge to just allow him hold me and some part of me was convinced that all my problems would cease in that moment

Stop it,’ I murmured to myself as I tried to scrub those images out of my head but it felt like they had been cemented in place

It felt like the more I tried to fight them, the deeper they burrowed in the recesses of my mind until my cheeks were heated and probably resembling a tomato as I clenched my fists to stop myself from making any stupid decisions that will probably end with me being imprisoned or whipped

Besides, I had just lost my mate. Even though I wasn’t sure whether Blake was my fated 

Emergency calls only

Chapter 15 

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mate or not due to the fact that I don’t have a wolf, he was going to be my chosen mate. The last thing I should be doing is fantasizing about another man, much less the notorious Alpha of this pack that I know nothing about

The air between us stretched thin with tension and apprehension. It felt like I was going to get choked by the silence. The tension warped around me and filled the air so much that I was certain I could reach out and grab it. I felt the Alpha stiffen in front of me and I knew he was about to speak. I realized that this was the moment my fate was to be determined and I scrambled for words to reduce whatever sentence he was going to pronounce on me

I am so sorry,” I rushed the words out so quickly that I wasn’t even sure he understood me correctly

What are you sorry for?his voice was like gravel and stone and everything husky

I should have never crossed your borders without permission. I am so sorry for doing that. I would never have done that if not for-,I began but I trialed off. It doesn’t even matter why I crossed, I am so sorry and I swear it will never happen again.” 

It is-,” he began but I was on a roll with my apology and it didn’t even register to me that he had started to speak

I was also very rude to you at the lake. I should never have run away from you like that. I was just taken off guard and I was so worried and terrified. I am so sorry and I hope you don’t punish me because I honestly meant no-,” 

It is fine.” He said suddenly and I went silent

I blinked once then twice and played his words over again in my head to be sure that I heard him say it was fine. He is known for killing people for doing less and here I was apologizing and his only response was it is fine

Against my better judgment I found myself sneaking a glance at him through my lashes. I almost stumbled back when I saw that his piercing eyes were fixated directly on me. He wasn’t blinking or looking away, he was analyzing me as if he was worried that if I blinked I would disappear. His eyes were so captivating that I couldn’t look away but the intensity of them had me taking a subconscious step backwards

His hands reached out to steady me and this time my head fully snapped up to his. His hands wrapped around my shoulders and he held me so I was standing upright. All of a sudden his hands released me and I saw him mutter some words under his breath as he crossed the length of the room and took a seat in the chair on the other side of the room

Emergency calls onlyM 

Chapter 15 

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Please sit,” he said and I hesitated to take his order but then I remembered that I was in his pack and at his mercy so I swallowed down my fear and sat down. My name is Kaden, what’s yours?” 

Kaden was such a masculine name and it fit him perfectly. I have never paid much heed to names and people but his name somehow captures his entire essence

Amelia,I muttered softly under my breath but he caught it

He repeated my name and something about the way he said it felt foreign. He spoke it softly like a reverence and no one has ever said my name like that before; not even Blake

You didn’t stumble across my pack by accident Amelia,” he began and I turned to him in confusion. I know all about what happened.” 

You do?I asked and he nodded

I know about the men who were chasing you. My Beta- Caleb- you haven’t met him yet. told me all about it. He told me that you were in danger and I asked him to clear the pack borders so that you could find refuge here.” 

Why did you do that?the question sl*pped out before I could stop it. You don’t even know me, why help me?” 

He didn’t respond and I thought I had gone out of line so I turned my gaze back to my hands folded in my laps and I played with my fingertips while mentally cursing myself. There was no need for me to ask why, I should have just said thank you and moved on with it. He probably thinks I am ungrateful and he might be wondering how well to get rid of 

  1. me

If I’m correct, you don’t have a place to stay, right?he asked making me snap my head back up to him and I nodded slowly. I want to offer you a place to stay at my house.” 

Suspicion and worry filled me as I took him in. If I agree, I would be staying in his personal home. Judging by the things I know about him that would be a terrible mistake. It would be like walking straight into the lion’s den and hoping not to get eaten. It would be like dangling raw meat in front of a wolf and hoping he wouldn’t attack


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