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Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 


I was so 

so annoyed at the fact that I had been called away from Amelia. It grated on my nerves because I had spent all of last night thinking of a way that I could spend more time with her without raising suspicions and I had finally found one

I don’t know the name of the woman who was interviewing Amelia but I made a mental note to give her a bonus for putting up with my outrageous demands. She knows there is no physical test and I have never gone into that office to check on their work before. The only reason I was there was because of Amelia. The woman looked so confused and she looked like she had stepped out into an alternate universe but she still played along

For a second I thought she wouldn’t understand and would sl*p up but she remained professional throughout and Amelia will never know that all of that is just so I can spend time with her

I got to my office and pushed open the door only to see that it was already occupied. My mother was seated on the couch so I didn’t notice her until I had entered the office. She was dressed up in a fitted blue a line dress. Her hair was tied up at the base of her beck in a chignon and not a single strand was out of place. Her face was covered in light make up her l*ps were painted a dark red


Her hands were crossed over her chest and she had an impatient look on her face as she waited for me to cross the threshold. I tried to clamp down on my frustration as I walked into the door and shut the door behind me. I crossed the length of the room and she stood up from the couch to sit down on the chair that was facing mine. I didn’t say a word as I took my own seat and I watched her out of the corner of my eye

Are you avoiding me, Kaden?she asked and I let out a sigh. I haven’t seen you in three days and I have tried to see you. Your guards won’t tell me where you are no matter how hard I try and you wouldn’t even pick up my calls.” 

I’m not avoiding you,I said simply. I couldn’t tell her that I had found my mate because I didn’t know how she would react. I am Alpha mother and I have been very busy.” 

If I know my mother, it would probably not be a pleasant reaction considering that I am sure she has a line as long as the pacific ocean of children of her friends that she will want 


Emergency calls only

Chapter 21 

me to

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mate with. I will tell her about Amelia but when I am sure that she is in a good moon. Right now, her mood seems very irritable and she looks one wrong word from away from blowing up

My mother didn’t believe my excuse about not avoiding her- that much was obvious from the look on her face. But she just hummed instead of dragging out the issue. She sighed. and I saw a bit of the tension leave her shoulders but then she sat up straighter and I knew that I was going to hate whatever she was going to say next

I have used the last three days to think about a few things,she began. And a friend of mine has a really beautiful daughter. She is a bit younger than you and she is from a very prominent family. I have arranged a date for the both of you at a five star restaurant. It is well within her standards and I know that you will just love her.” 

I couldn’t stop the annoyance from building up inside me. I hated how she just made plans for me without asking me first and it was shocking how she still wasn’t asking my opinion but she was just telling me about the plans she had made. It was getting very frustrating to hear her shove her plans down my throat without giving me a choice in the matter

I started to think of ways to avoid the date without actually telling her about Amelia. Maybe I can make up some excuse about a meeting or about being busy. That should be enough to get out of the date for now until I am ready to tell her about Amelia

Mother, I have-,” 

Don’t even start with your excuses,she cut me off. I knew you were going to try to get out of it. I knew you were going to start with your excuses which is why I took the liberty of asking Caleb if you had any meetings or things to do today and he said no. I know you are completely free so you have no reason to avoid this date.” 

I made a mental note to kill Caleb when I saw him. He should have asked me before telling my mother anything. He probably didn’t think this was what she wanted to use that information to do which is why he gave it to her. I know if he was aware that this was what she had planned then he would have never spoken to her. That knowledge wasn’t enough to clamp down on my frustration. I still wanted to bash his face in with my fists

He should have spoken to me before speaking to her. I am the Alpha and that position should come with respect. If I cannot get the two closest people I have to family to respect that position then I cannot hope for anyone else to do so. If my own mother and best friend cannot respect the position then what use is it? My anger was climbing and I had to 



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Chapter 21 

try breathing exercises to calm down but nothing seemed to be working

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I risked a glance at my mother and when she saw the raw and undiluted anger in my gaze, she swallowed thickly. She could clearly see that she had messed up

I didn’t do it for no reason, Kaden, you have to know that.She began. I have just been. worried about you and that is why I am doing all of this. I am doing this for your benefit and you know it.” 

I forced myself to breathe deeply through my nose to expel the anger from my b*dy. I rotated my shoulders and flexed my fingers before speaking

I know you’ve been worried about me since father’s accident,I began slowly. But setting me up to mate with random females is not the right answer. I’m not going to mate with someone I don’t know just because you have a bond with her mother.” 

At least just meet up with her. She is very beautiful with wide hips that are good for childbearing. Meet her first before you make any rash decisions.” 

I let out a deep sigh of exhaustion and pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and pointer finger. My first instinct was to just agree to get her off my back but Amelia was in the picture now and I tried to imagine what I would do if I saw her going on a date with another guy and blinding rage rushed through me

I turned to my mother who was gazing at me curiously as if trying to figure out what had caused the sudden rush of anger

Wouldn’t it be better if I waited for my mate?I asked. What if she happens to turn up? We are destined to be mated so our paths will have to cross at some point. Father was your fated mate, do you not want the best for me just like you had?” 

My mother let out a deep sigh and I saw her shoulders deflate a bit as a sad look crossed her eyes. She always gets that look whenever I mention my father and I know it is because of how much she loved him. I know there is no bond greater than that of fated mates and she got to experience it so why is she against me experiencing it for myself

It has been years since you turned eighteen,” mother argued. You are supposed to find. your fated mate at eighteen and she has not turned up since.” 



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Chapter 21 

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What if she was yet to turn eighteen?I asked. It is possible that when I was eighteen she was still too young and the moon goddess thought it would be best if we didn’t meet at the 


Kaden,mother sighed and she opened her mouth to speak but closed it as if she was unsure whether it would be the right thing

A thick silence stretched across the room as she struggled to pick her words. I was curious. to know what she would say in response to what I had said. Amelia just turned eighteen and if I had met her when I was eighteen, she would have been too young for me

I’m not sure if a fated mate would be the best choice in your case,mother muttered under her breath and my head snapped up to hers immediately

What do you mean by that?I was unable to keep the hostility completely out of my voice


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