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You Belong To Me novel Chapter 364

Debe's Place,

(Entering into her cabin)

Vimal : Hey, where did you go leaving me alone in your office.

Debe : Went to Taiga's place (Sits on her seat while scratching her forehead)

Vimal : Why... Is he okay.

Debe : Yeah... Yeah.

Vimal : Then why did you..

Debe : God damnit Vi, can you stop your queries for a second...

Vimal : Why are you getting angry, I was just...

Debe : Arghhh.... He called me to make his wife feel jealous.. Are you happy.

Vimal : To make Disha Jealous.... When did they become a couple.. I thought she hated him... What is going on here... What did I miss.

Debe : I don't know too....But I always had this ping inside my head telling me that she's hiding something from us...

Vimal : Are you saying that she fell in love with him before even running away from him.

Debe : What if....

Vimal : (sighs) God...this is hurting my head now.

Debe : f**kit!! Let's get to our business... Look I have gathered everything from my side... There is definitely something missing in this case... With my resources I can't find that missing part... But I know a place where we can.

Vimal : Where... (Debe staring into his eyes) no.. Say your joking.

Debe : That's the only way we have...

Vimal : But that's a one way.... Coming back is impossible.

Debe : Final call is yours... You are one who is trying hard to find those murderers.

Disha's Friends,


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