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You Hit My Heart (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 161

Jacqueline felt that the atmosphere was not right when she stepped into the house.

When she walked into the living room and saw Shelly's eyes as red and swollen as walnuts, she quickly asked, "What, what happened?" Her daughter, whom she had loved since she was little, was crying like this, so she was naturally distressed.

Shelly sobbed while giving a short account of what happened.

After hearing this, Jacqueline was sad and angry and scolded, "You are really stupid. Even if you don't like Joyce, you can't sacrifice the interests of the group! You didn't even ask me about such a big matter! I certainly won’t allow you to do such a stupid thing either."

"Auntie, it has been announced on the company forum that the design that Shelly took was a fake one, and this time it didn't affect the group's interests." Charlotte had been present later, she was clear about the whole thing, and later she saw Casey's affirmation posted on the company forum.

"Fortunately, you didn't cause big trouble. If there were serious consequences, those people could impeach me in the board meeting, do you know that? I don't have many shares, and if I am impeached by the shareholders, there will be no place for me in the group." Jacqueline frowned and said, "Next time, don't do such a stupid thing. No, there won’t be a next time!"

"I called Luther before I got back and he was going to Mufron on a business trip for a few days. It's a good thing he's not going back to the Warner family these days. If he told Stephanie, it would be a huge disadvantage for us. You should stay home these days until things settle down." Jacqueline said with resentment.

"Grandma is biased … Urgh…" Shelly cried out again.

"Bear with me. Pray that your grandmother doesn't know about this. Didn't you hear what Mr. Baldwin said last time? Until the last moment, your grandmother is allowed to amend the will. Aren't you afraid that you will be deprived of your share?" Jacqueline nudged Shelly.


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