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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 21

It’s been a day since Dylan called me on my phone. Now I am not saying that I miss him, but I kind of get bored without him. No fight, no irritation and I think I miss all this.

“Lu- uh Adie why are you not saying anything?” I looked to my side to find Jenny looking at me worriedly.

I gave her a smile to which she returned and at continued talking about places and her pack. She is so talkative, but interesting.

“When I knew that you know all about us being werewolves I freaked out. But then when I saw your calm and composed self I calm down a bit and I am proud to have a Luna like you” so told me and I stopped eating.

“What?” was my only question.

“Uh I mean friend like you” she changed and I gave her a suspicious look continuing eating my Chinese.

“We are friends right?” She asked with hope in her eyes and I smiled nodding at her making her beam with happiness.

“Friends” I muttered.

“So is there anything left that you don’t know?” She asked playing with her fork.

“I don’t know” I shrugged.

“Okay? Why don’t you ask me questions and I will try to give you answers” she stated.

“Okay sure?” My reply was more like a question.

“So let me start first. I will ask you questions and you answer them because Bell told me that she doesn’t know much about you. You are mysterious” I choked on my good coughing loudly.

“Oh dear! Here drink this” she offered me water and I drank it feeling glad.

“M-Mysterious?” I questioned coughing a little.

“Yeah Mysterious because you have been here from so many days and yet nobody knows much about you” she added

“Okay ask whatever you want” I replied eating my Chinese. But I was little tensed under my smiling facade.

“Okay? So what is your favorite color?” She asked which brought a smile on my face. Of course she was going to ask such questions.

“Turquoise and Brown” I answered.

“What no pink no purple?” She pouted making me laugh at her expression.

“No” I replied

“Strange. Anyways Favorite Food?” She asked and I gestured towards the food I was eating.

“Oh so Chinese it is” she spoke understanding what I meant and I nodded.

“Favorite Place?”

“Las Vegas and London” I told her.

“Wow interesting place” she replied

I nodded and gestured her to continue.

“Favorite Song?” She asked

“Their are many so nothing specific”.

“Okay? Favorite Cartoon?” and I dropped my fork on the plate.

“What? Cartoon? Seriously?” I asked amused with her question.

“Yeah Cartoon. Everyone has tried favorite cartoon” she told me and I tried hard to stop myself from laughing.

“Okay? Interesting. Uh it’s Tom and Jerry” I told her whatever that first came into my mind.

“Tell me about your family” she asked and I stopped eating making my expression void. This was the question which I dreaded the most.

“I mean who all their in your family?” She continued asking.

I cleared my throat and drank water from the glass feeling little uncomfortable.

“Uh their is my mom, Dad, my younger sister” I stopped answering and I hoped she didn’t ask me anything more about it.

“Wow. So when is your birthday?” She asked and I gave her a small smile “I don’t want to share it” I told her.

“Why? Oh do you think I will find about your age?” She wiggled her eyebrows nudging my side with her elbow.

I laughed a little but kept my mouth shut.

“What type of dress do you like to wear?” She asked

“Jeans, shirt and Jacket the usual” I told her.


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