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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 24

Dylan Pov

I don’t know why am I angry but I couldn’t control myself when I knew that she knows about my past. Who told her that?

I never wanted to share something which was related to my past with her. There was nothing which I could share. What would I have told her? My past is something which I do not want to remember. And the two thing which I hated the most was sympathy and pity.

She said she was starting to pity me. I loathed it when someone pitied on me. I just wanted to know who gave her those marks? She was just so stubborn and didn’t want to share it. Fine! I understand that. But the fact that I can’t read her disturbs me a lot.

She shouldn’t have argued with me. I know I was just too much. I shouldn’t have reacted that way. She was still sick. She was weak. She couldn’t even fight back to me properly and I reacted such horribly.

I was just angry. My wolf also doesn’t like the fact that she knew about my past. He is also angry. But deep down, we were angry because what if she leave us after knowing everything that happened to us in our past. Nobody wants to live with a broken man. Why would she live here if she finds out that I am her broken mate. I can’t be healed. I am wounded till my last breath. I don’t think I can ever keep her happy.

She deserves happiness.

I sighed as I watched out of the window of my office as it poured heavily. It was raining heavily and it was dark outside. I think I should apologize to Aderyn. Maybe somebody had told her about me thinking that she should know as she is the Luna.

Now when I think of it, it is better that she knows. I don’t have tell her anything when she asks about my family later.

I shouldn’t have told her all that. It was my anger who was speaking that time. I told her to leave.


“I never wanted to say that to her” I whispered closing my eyes as regret passed through my body.

“Alpha!” I heard a voice and I turned around to find a ball of light behind me forming into a human figure. I knew who it was. It was one of the eleven witches.

“Estelle Helliot?” I asked confused seeing her after a long time. She was the witch of light and future.

“Alpha!” She spoke once she came back to her real form.

Her blonde hair cascading down to her waist. Her black eyes showed worriedness. She was woman with round face, may be 5′4 in height and was little chubby. The black cape she wore made her look like a typical witch.

“Estelle is everything alright?” I asked as I eyed her worried face.

“I sense something bad is going to happen” she spoke as she closed her eyes.

“Something which is not good” she spoke again.

I was about to ask her what was going on when Blake barged in through the door “Alpha!”

He stopped when he noticed Estelle standing before me with closed eyes.

“Estelle” he said as he lowered his head showing respect to her. Estelle nodded opening her eyes.

“Alpha you need to come. There is something weird going on with the kids and all the pups” he said. His voice was filled with worriedness and restlessness.

“What is going on?” I asked confused

“The kids and all the pups have started to cry without any reason and they don’t seem to stop anytime soon” he spoke with worriedness.

“What? Why are they crying?” I asked now more confused “and all are crying at the same time?” I asked to which he nodded.

“Kids specially werepups are attached to their Luna. If something happens to her that get this pain and they try to signal it through crying” Estelle spoke and as her words hit my ear I was already running towards Aderyn’s room.

“Aderyn!” I called when I barged into her room. The window was open and the curtains were flying due to wind and the floor near the window was wet due to rain. It was still raining outside. I looked around but she was nowhere in sight. Her scent was also faint still I could smell her scent.

I followed her scent and it led me towards the front door and it fainted there because of the rain. It only means one thing. She was outside.

“She went into the woods?” I whispered frustrated.

I quickly gathered some of the pack members and mind linked those who were patrolling to search for her. I ordered the members to shift into their wolf forms and spread everywhere into the woods and search for her. In no time they shifted and ran into the wood searching for her.

But I knew someone who could find her easily in this heavy rain without any difficulty and she was Lily.

Lily was trained specially for all this. She doesn’t depend upon the person’s scent. She could find her with her sense and training.

“Lily come to the front immediately” I mind linked her and in no time she was before me wearing her small pink night suit.

“Aderyn is missing. Go find her” I told her.

“What? In this time of night? No way I am going out in this rain to find that stupid human” she spoke disobeying me and in no time her neck was in my hand as I pushed her against the wall tightening my grip.

“Do not speak about your Luna like that. I won’t tolerate it and How dare you disobey your king?” I spoke and the animal side of me growled at her.

“I- I am sorry Alpha” she managed to speak with utmost difficulties.

“I don’t have any problem with the Queen but the fact that she human doesn’t go well with me” she spoke holding my wrist trying to free herself.

“Human or not she is still your Luna and your Queen and you can’t disrespect her” I spoke and let her go when she nodded. She fell down on the floor coughing hard.

“Now go and find her. I want her safe and back in the house. Do you understand?” I commanded.

“Yes Alpha!” She bowed her head and got up into her feet. With a last glance my way she ran outside of the house and jumped into the air shifting into her brown wolf. She howled and ran into the woods doing as I ordered her to do.


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