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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 36

Aderyn Pov

I sat there staring at him as if he had horns attached to his head. What he told me just now didn’t go well with my mind.

“What?” was what I managed to utter. Then I cleared my throat and looked here and there.

“Sorry? What did you just say? I didn’t get you” I asked again thinking maybe I heard him wrong.

He looked calm and had an knowing expression on his face as if he knew I was going to react this way.

He gave me a small smile and once again I found him trailing his finger on my foot sending shiver down my spine.

“I know you can feel these tingles whenever I touch you. This is the mate bond and this is the proof that you are my mate” he told me as he continued trailing his finger on my foot.

I shook my head and withdrew my leg away from his hold and sat straight.

“This is impossible. I am not your mate. I am a human for god sake!” I threw my hands up in the air.

“Well you are my mate. Of course my human mate” he told me as he leaned back on his seat and smiled at me.

I was shocked as well as surprised.

Damn. I could have get all this long back if only I hadn’t ignored the simple simple things.

Like people calling me Luna.

Like the way I felt whenever he touched me.

Like the way ... urg

This is all my fault.

“I know you what must be thinking. But let me get this clear to you. You are my mate and the Luna to all those werewolves. I came here to take you back. Lets go home” he said and I gave him a look.

“Home?” I spoke as I looked at him incredulously.

“Well this is my home. I am not going anywhere. You are going. Look I might be your mate but do you think I am even capable of doing my duty when I am just a simple human. For god sake I used to think this all stuffs exists only in stories and all but one day I find it all true and real, before my eyes. How the hell do you expect me to react knowing that you all exists and the most importantly out of nowhere I am your mate and a Luna to all those werewolves. No way, I am not gonna do this. I am happy here. As my life is. I will not go anywhere. So pack your stuffs and leave” I knew I was harsh.

I watched him seating there comfortably listening to all my rantings. Then he spoke “Ofcourse You are Aderyn after all. And here I thought you would be happy knowing all this” it came out in a sarcastic way.

Before I could open my mouth to reply him. His phone began to ring. He took it out and excused himself getting up from his seat and walking near the staircase talking on his phone.

“Huh Mate my ass” I muttered as I crossed my arms across my chest and leaned back against my seat still processing it all in my mind.

I am not his mate.

“Sure you are not” and my irritating inner voice was back.

“Oh Shut up” I snapped at her.

“Ofcourse” she talked back.

“I am not his mate” I told her.

“Oh really?” She mocked.

“Oh shut up already” I snapped and looked up to find Dylan giving me a weird look.

“Whom are you talking with?” He asked confused.

I found my cheeks burning and I composed myself saying “Nobody.”

He nodded and shoved his hands into his pant pockets.

“So?” He asked.

“So what?” I asked.

“When are you packing your stuffs?” He asked looking at me in a neutral face.

“For what?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

“Uh You are shifting back to my place. Back to the pack house” he said and my eyes widened in shock.


“Woahhh!! Easy man when did we decide this? And who you told you that I will leaving my home?” I questioned as I stood on my legs and winced a little when my foot touched the ground.

Immediately Dylan was before me holding my arm, supporting me, giving me a worried look.

“Uh I’m Okay” I said feeling little weird. Nobody cared for me before.

“And I am not going anywhere” and I was back to arguing.

He rolled his eyes at me and shoved his hands into his pant pockets while I walked sidestepping him towards the table to drink some water.

“Pack your bags before 3 Pm. We will be leaving sharp at 3” he told me ignoring my argument.

“Do you not hear me?” I snapped

“I said I am not leaving. This is my house and I am not going anywhere. I don’t care mate or not but I am not going anywhere and that’s final” I said as I poured some water into the glass from the jug and gulped it down my throat in one gulp.

I looked towards him to find him opening his mouth probably to say something but he stopped closing his mouth and sniffing the air.

“What are yo-” I was cut off by the door bell.

I gave him a look and then walked towards the door.

As Soon as I opened it I was engulfed into a tight bone breaking hug.

“Aderyn! Aderyn! Aderyn!” the person screamed in happiness as he crushed me even more.

“Ge-George let me go” I managed to speak though I felt I was going to die anytime soon.

But Suddenly I was like snatched away by an arm which wrapped around my waist and I was lifted up and then put down behind a muscular back and the next moment I could see George hanging up in the air by his collar.


“How dare you touch whats mine?”


“She is Mine”

I was shocked as well as flabbergasted seeing Dylan like this. He looked beyond angry and his body looked tensed. His voice was mixed with a beast like tone as well as anger.

“Dy-Dylan what are doing? Put him down” I found my voice and soon I was trying to set George free from Dylan.

“Ade-Ader-y-n” George coughed hanging in the air.

“Dylan put him down. You are going to kill him” I tried again holding his arm trying to let him loosen his hold on George but it was as if my efforts were nothing before him.

I couldn’t even move a single muscle of his arm.

“Dylan let him go” I even punched his arm.

“Mine!” He growled tightening his grip on George’s collar.

“Wrap your arm around him. Make him Relax” I heard Greta running toward us.

“I what?” I asked confused.

“Make him Relax. Wrap your arms around him” she urged me to do it.

“What? No way!” I told her. In no way I was going to do that.

“Ade-ry-n help me” George managed to speak begging me.


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