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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 42

Dylan Pov

I was out on a pack patrolling when Blake mind linked me telling me that Aderyn was trying to escape.

I asked them to catch her but warned everyone not to touch her. I knew Aderyn was smart but never knew that she would ever do a stupidity by jumping a fifteen feet wall. She was still a human and I didn’t like the idea of her jumping a wall. What if something happened to her?

I knew it was not a big deal for her but for me it was more than a big deal. So I asked Blake to stop and not to follow her after she did that ridiculous jump. If they wanted they could’ve followed her and jumping a mere something feet long wasn’t a big deal for werewolves. We could do much than that.

But still I asked them not to chase after her. Because it was me who was going to that. I’ll be always be the one who will chase her. As soon as I enter my perimeter I stopped on my track and used my power.

Being able to control all type of elements was a blessing for me. I could control Earth, as well as do Telekinesis and there were many more.

I used my Nature power and Air to locate where she was. Finally, I got what I wanted. I could smell her. She was some miles away from me and I just needed to shift into my wolf form to reach her.

My Elemental powers were my blessings from my parents. They both possessed some elemental powers and I inherited it from them. But mine were more stronger than them. But there was only one problem.

If I am on locating a person by using my elemental powers and if it rains at the same time, my power fails. Its not like I can’t use my power in the rain. I just can’t locate a person in the rain.

Being able to control all elements is a curse sometimes. When it rains my powers seems to grow and the human side of me seems to grow weaker due to which my powers disable me from locating or feeling any person. This is mine one and only weakness.

Well apart from Aderyn.

She is has grown both to be my strength as well as weakness. I tend to loose my senses when I’m around her.

“Let’s go back” I stood up and looked down at her waiting for her to stand up.

She kept staring at me and I smiled at her giving her my hand to take. Reluctantly she took my hand and stood up on her foot.

“Let’s walk back” I told her and turned around to leave but stopped when I saw her not moving an inch from her place.

“Aderyn?” I called.

“I don’t want to go back” she replied and I bit the inner side of my mouth and asked “Why?”

“I don’t know” she whispered and I stared at her face and then looked up at the sky.

“Are you scared?” I questioned. The question just came out of my mouth by itself.

I sighed thinking that these days there are lot of things that are coming out of my mouth by itself.

“Scared?” she asked and scoffed at me.

I smiled a little and looked the other way not wanting her to see my smile. I shoved my hands into my pockets and looked back towards her with a serious look asking “Then?”

She looked down and pursed her lips, her mouth forming into a thin line as she curled up her lower lips outwards and shrugged her shoulders “I just don’t know.”

I waited for her to say something but she didn’t I chose to spoke.

“Maybe I know the answer why you don’t want to go back” I told her and watched as her head shot up and she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Really?” she asked curiously.

I nodded and turned around on my feet and walked back in the woods.

“Hey! Wait!” I heard her shouting for me. I smiled at it and heard her footsteps behind me. The breaking of twigs, the crunching sound of leaves was clearly audible to me as she ran before me to catch up with me.

“Tell me!” she asked with curiosity evident in her voice.

“Tell what?” I thought of paying a little with her.

She glared at me and marched up beside me yelling “You said you know why I don’t want to go back”.

I nodded “Yes I do”

“So tell me” she stated.

“Why?” I asked to which she just gave me an incredulous look.

“What do you mean by why? I want to know that’s why” she stated the obvious.

“Hmmm Okay!” I told her and continued walking irritating her even more.

“Dylan!” she snapped.

“What Aderyn?” I continued testing her limits.


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