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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 46

Dylan Pov

Happiness is a word that I never expected that it even existed for me. I am finding it really weird and at the same time really awesome to be blessed with such a mate who could bring me that liveliness and happiness.

I feel so alive nowadays.

I looked towards her seeing her happily chatting with her friends. She looked happy. Perhaps she was feeling the same as I am feeling for her. As long as she is happy I am happy too.

It has been two days to her birthday and now I am sitting on the couch while she sat on the stairs of the house with her friends chatting with them.

I saw as Bell touched the pendant that I gave to her and heard Jenny teasing her about the gift.

Seeing her blush, both of them laughed at her and I smirked at her when she gazed my way.

She glared at me but I could see the happiness in her eyes.

She looked beautiful wearing a white sweater and a skinny blue jeans. Her hair was down and she looked breathtakingly beautiful. It has been impossible for me to work whenever I see. My mind keeps zoning out only thinking about her.

I was working today when my mind flew back to those pink and plump lips of her when I kissed her that day and at that moment I want nothing but to at least see her beautiful face so that I could steady my racing heart.

I came out of my office and searched for her. Her scent guided me down towards the living room and I found her talking to her friends.

I sat on the couch and switched on the Tv and flipped through channels but my mind as usually was in some other place. I kept glancing her way.

Finally, I gave up.

“Cole where are you?” I asked through mind link.

“In the garage” he said and pursed my lips.

“Ask Jenny to come to you” I said and shifted on my seat looking at Aderyn who wasn’t giving me any attention. And it irked me.

“But I am workin-” I cut him off

“Ask her before I do it” I said and heard him sigh.

“Yes Alpha!” He said and disconnected.

Few minutes later I saw Jenny getting up from her place and leaving. I smirked seeing Aderyn raising an eyebrow at me.

“Oh now I understand why you asked me to call Jenny” I heard Cole teasing voice in my mind.

“Don’t worry! I won’t tell this to Blake. Enjoy!” He laughed and disconnected while I scoffed at him.

Now only one was left.

“Bell!” I said through mind link.

“Yes Alpha!” I saw her stiffening in her place making Aderyn worried.

“Leave!” I said and saw her getting up from her place and leaving the place without arguing.

“Bell? Hey Bell?” I saw a confused Aderyn looking at Bell who walked away but not before giving a teasing smile to Aderyn.

I smirked at it and averted my gaze towards the Tv.

I heard Aderyn sighing and minutes later, I saw her coming towards me and sitting beside me on the couch.

“Do you know why all of a sudden Jenny and Bell left without saying anything? Is there a problem?” She asked and I shook my head negatively not glancing towards her.

“Dylan did you do something?” She asked and I raised an eyebrow looking towards her.

“What makes you think that?” I asked.

“Then why in the world are you grinning like a fool?” She asked and then I realized that indeed I was grinning like a fool.

“Oh am I?” I asked innocently and she narrowed his gaze on me.

“Yes You are” she said and crossed her arms across her chest.

“No one should enter the living room now” I said in open mind link to all the members in the house.

“Yes Alpha!” I heard their voice in chorus.

“Dylan?” Aderyn asked.

“Come here!” I said showing her my lap.

“What?” she asked looking shocked.

“Come here!” I said again and saw her rolling her eyes at me an then leaning against the couch and watching the Tv.

I took the remote and switched the Tv off.

“What the hell? I was watching it” she yelled and threw the pillow on me.

I kept the pillow aside and asked her “Aderyn I am telling you for the last time. Come here!”

“Why are you so keen on wanting me to go there?” she asked all the while glaring at me.

“My foot is hurting. I want you here for a massage” I said and watched as she gave me a disbelieving look.

“You are crazy!” she said and got up to leave.

“Congelasco” I said and smirked when I saw her freezing on her spot.

I got up from my place and moved towards her and stood before her.

“Why can’t I move?” she asked looking horrified and I trailed a finger on her face.

“Because I don’t want you to move” I said and grinned when I saw her glaring at me.

“What did you do?” she asked in a dead tone.

“Nothing! Just used my power to freeze you” I said and I was sure if she was free she would have kicked me on my shin.

“Free me this instant” she said and I shook my head negatively “So that you will kick me? Nah!”

“Dylan” she warned me

“Fine!” I said and snapped my fingers and made her free.

“Don’t ever use your powers on me” she glared at me and sidestepped me wanting to leave.

“Okay I’m sorry” I said as I held her arm stopping her from going away.

She looked at me and sighed.

“I just wanted to hold you” I told her with a small smile and left her hand. I went back to the couch and sat on it.

“Uh Dylan?” I heard and saw her sitting beside me.

“I am calling Bella and Jenny back to you. You can spent your time with them” I said and tried to mind link both them.

Like I froze Aderyn a few minutes ago, my mind froze the same way when I felt her removing my hands and sitting on my lap.

“Happy?” she asked with amusement clear in her eyes.

“Very” I grinned and wrapped my arms around her.

“Can I ask you one more thing?” I asked and she raised an eyebrow nodding at me to continue.


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