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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 50

Dylan Pov

“Is everything ready for the ceremony?” I asked Cole who was busy going through some stacks of papers probably a list.

“Yes Alpha” he said and handed me the paper.

“What is it?” I asked scanning through the paper.

“Your sign is needed for allowing every Alpha to enter the Kingdom”.

“Okay” I muttered and read the paper. When I was satisfied I put my signature on it and gave it back to him.

“Very well. Now what else?” I asked as I rotated the pen between my fingers.

“No it was all” he said and I nodded looking out of the window to find a dark cloud surrounding my kingdom.

“Strange! It’s going to rain I think” I whispered but due to werewolf hearing capability Cole heard me and he hummed in response.

“I don’t like this weather” he said and I nodded in agreement.

“Where is Blake?” I asked as I looked towards him.

“He is on patrolling”.

“King!” suddenly I heard Blake’s voice trying to connect me in my mind.

“King” he called again.

“What’s wrong Blake?” I asked sitting attentively on my seat.

“I think there is something wrong” he said and I saw Cole giving me a questioning look. He was too in the mind link and he could hear everything that Blake said.

“What do you mean?” Cole asked through the mind link.

“I was patrolling through this area near to the stream when I sensed something weird” Blake responded and the way he said I knew there was really something disturbing.

“What type of weird thing?” I asked

“When I was passing by the streams I felt as if I was being watched. So I stopped in my track and looked around for anything suspicious but found none. So at first I shrugged it off thinking I was just being paranoid or something but then..”

“Then what?” Cole asked looking impatient.

“Then when I went towards the stream to drink water I sensed someone behind me but as soon as I turned around I found no one. But the weird part is I smell bloody rusty smell near this area. I have checked each and every corner here but I found nothing suspicious but still it’s like mind is telling me that something is wrong in here. My wolf seems agitated all of a sudden”.

I stood up from my seat feeling panicked ” Cole where is Aderyn?” I asked with worry filled in my voice. Suddenly I wanted to see my mate. The feeling was killing me. I was being anxious all of a sudden. I was being anxious to avoid any trouble.

“She is outside” he said as he walked towards the window to look out.

“With whom?” I asked as panicked filled my emotions and my wolf paced around agitated. We both were feeling uneasy now.

“With no one” I didn’t even let him finish because the very next moment I used all my strength to reach Aderyn wherever she was.

“Alpha!” I knew Cole was behind me but I didn’t even bother to pay attention to his words because I was concentrating somewhere else. My Aderyn.

“Surround and put guards everywhere near the house” was all I said to Cole before running in all my strength leaving him behind.

“Aderyn!” I called in relief when I found her sitting on the chair in the lawn reading a book. She looked up at me and smiled but gave me a confused look when she saw me looking restless.

I sighed in relief and slowly walked towards her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked when I sat next to her.

“Nothing” I smiled and took a strand of her hair curling it between my fingers.

“Liar! Tell me what’s wrong. I can feel some strange agitated emotions inside me and I know it’s not mine. It’s your right?” she asked tilting her head to a side.

“That was right. She could feel my emotions just like I could feel hers. Maybe I should tell her. But she may freak out” I thought but regretted soon when she gave me a narrowed eyes look.

“Tell me what?” she asked because she heard my thoughts.

“You are so stupid, I swear” Black growled at me.

“Umm it’s nothing” I said and looked around trying to sense for any threats or anything mischievous. When I found none I got up from my seat and looked down at her.

“Aderyn just know this” I said as I kept my hand on her head.

“I love you and I will go to any extent for keeping you safe okay?”

She smiled at me and nodded.

“Okay now please go inside and don’t come out of the house until I tell you to” I said and hoped for her not to argue on this.


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