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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 53

Blake Pov

Everything was going perfectly. The kingdom found its Queen, my king was happy after a long period time, he finally found his own family until the incident that turned our lives upside down. Nobody would have ever guessed that this would happen nor anyone would ever have imagined to even witness this.

But what we are witnessing now, one would only pray to the heavenly lords yo never witness this ever in its lifetime. The wrath of our king.

It happened so fast that no one could do anything. The destruction before me is what no one would ever wish to see. Our king, Dylan Black Bishop in his destruction form emitting his power out of his body in a horrendous way. Scary, terrible extremely unpleasant were the words to describe our king in the moment.

He looked ready to destroy everything. Every single little thing.

I was just returning back to the spot where I had left Cole the last time but what I saw made me all shocked and for the first time in my life I felt fear and scared because Cole was the strongest one in the kingdom and his condition told something different.

Who did this to him?

I saw a wolf body lying from far and from the smell I understood that it was Cole’s wolf Spenvee. But what made me cringe was the smell of blood so, I hurried to him and there in the ground was Spenvee huffing out blood and was barely breathing. There were three claw marks on its rib and fresh blood was oozing out of its legs.

“Spenvee! Spenvee” I yelled as I knelt down next to it and took its head on my lap.

“Cole! Do you hear me? What happened?” I cried but Cole’s wolf answered in a whimper and blood dripped out of its mouth on my lap to the ground.

“What the?”

“Who this to you?” I cried and tried to pat the wolf’s head trying to make it open its eyes but it didn’t. But it was still breathing. My heart feared for its best friend. Cole and I were always together even longer than Dylan. Cole was my first best friend. We turned into shapeshifters together, we fought and practiced together, we even worked out together and today seeing the strongest werewolf alive in this earth in such a condition made me feel scared all of a sudden.

I decided to mind link King immediately explaining about Cole, that he is just not opening his eyes. This is bad. Because the kingdom is celebrating at the moment and every single powerful alphas of the world are present in the ceremony. If anything happens to them than the whole werewolf kind will be in danger.

But most importantly I fear for our queen, Aderyn. If anything happens to her, the king would lose it.

I told King in the mind link about everything but I was shortly cut off from the link when I heard people screaming.

“D-Danger” I heard Cole’s voice in my mind.

“Cole! What happened buddy? You alright? Please open your eyes!” I yelled.

“S-Save h-her!” he said and I saw as Spenvee began to shape shift back into its human form.

“Cole!” I cried as soon as Cole’s human form appeared before me.

“Cole! Cole! Open your eyes” I begged.

“Th-ey want her. T-They want to destroy our K-King!” he said in the mind link.

“Who is it? Cole!” I yelled and took out a handkerchief from my pocket. Though it was just a mere piece of cloth I used it by applying it against Cole’s rib were blood was oozing out.

“Why is it not healing Cole?” I asked confused because the wound should have healed in a normal case.

“Take me to King!” he whispered.

“Open your eyes!” I ordered.

“I can’t! It’s important! Take me to King e-else we all shall die” he whispered making a chill run down my spine.

When I returned back to the house, the scenery before me made me devastated.

“What is going on?” I cried.

Blood was everywhere with wolf bodies and some wolves lay dead in their human form. Some were injured while some were crying sitting their dear ones.

“K-King!” I saw some alphas running towards our King who looked different.

“No! Don’t go near h-” Cyreana was cut off when a ball of power emitted out of Dylan’s body which sent us flying backward. The force was so strong that it nearly killed me when I was sent flying backward but I was saved when I hit a tree trunk. Though it was painful but it was better than hitting a rock.

“Cole!” I yelled when I saw his body on the ground laying motionless.

I carried him here on my back but when the power hit me I lost my balance and let him slip out of my grasp.

“It’s okay! I got him already” I saw Cynthia one of the witches with her hands raised. I looked back at Cole and then only I noticed a green colored light surrounding him saving his body from King’s power.

“I don’t think that I can control it for much longer. The King needs to stop. He will kill everyone” she cried and I saw tears trickling down her cheeks. The power of king hurting her and the pain was becoming unbearable for her.

“What is going on?” I cried and saw as another wave of power hit us. It was King.

“It’s the Queen!” one of the Alpha yelled from all the bizarre that was going on.

“The Queen has been taken away from us,” he completed.

My eyes widened and I looked back at our King’s dark form. Eyes red, a black aura was surrounding his body almost like a cloak and his canines out with his claws ejecting out and in every time he emits more power.

I can’t even imagine what would happen now. The truth is Aderyn our Queen has been taken away from us by our invisible enemies and here the king is ready to destroy every single little thing. With so many werewolves injured and dead, I don’t even understand what to do at the moment. It was supposed to be my responsibility to handle everything in his absence but nobody ever taught me what to do in a situation like this. When the king himself is in the position to destroy everything.

“We need to stop him,” warned Cynthia.

“King!” I yelled.

“Your voice is not reaching him,” one of the alpha yelled.

“Try mind linking him,” Cynthia cried.

Chapter 53 1


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