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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 8

Aderyn POV

“C’mon let’s have our breakfast,” Bell said as she took hold of my hand and began to drag me somewhere.

“Wait! Aren’t we going to eat with them?” I asked pointing at the people who were having their breakfast in the dining hall.

“No we will have it in the other room” she dragged me and I marked the looks people gave me when we walked through them into a room.

“Why are we having it alone away from them?” I asked

“Blake and Cole and even the Alpha will be joining us here” she said as she began to put her plates on the table.

I helped her and soon as she said the three monkeys entered the room with a stoic face.

“What will you eat Bread or cereals?” Bell asked from across the table.

“Bread please” I said smiling at her. All the while I could feel somebody burning holes into my side. I looked to my left and watched as the king kong watched me slowly fluttering his eyes as if he is trying to read me.

“What nonsense” I thought and banged my hand intentionally on the table making him to come out of his little world.

First, he stared at me emotionless then seconds later his expression changed to a scowling one and next minute he was eating.

“This man is a Psychopath” I thought to myself.

I took the bread and began to butter it using a knife when there was a loud screeching voice. I was sure that it was a rat but I began to laugh silently when a brunette came into view wearing a blouse or may be bikini like top with short skirt and big heels. Her face was caked with make up and she truly looked somewhat like Selena Gomez except for the beautiful part.

Selena Gomez was and is beautiful.

“What is this nonsense, finding the Queen?” She shouted at the top of her voice and I was sure that my ears would began to bleed anytime soon.

“Mind your tone and get lost Lily” Blake muttered drinking from his water.

“How dare you talk to me like that? I’m the Queen” she shouted folding her hands on her chest.

I looked at Bell to find her silently eating her cereals. She paid no attention towards the girl whose name was Lily. Unlike Bell, Cole and Dylan looked tensed.

“Lily don’t start on this topic again” Cole said through gritted teeth and pointed towards the door asking her to leave.

“Shut up! You don’t teach me what to do” she sneered and averted her eyes towards me. Her eyes widened for some seconds but she managed to hide it quickly. I did notice the fear in her eyes which she professionally hid under those fake contact lens.

“You got to be kidding me” she shouted throwing her hands in the air.

“A human? A human will rule us?” She started but was cut off by Dylan banging on the table.

“Enough Lily” he shouted getting up from his seat and he took hold of her arms taking her to a little distance. I could still hear their conversation though.

I never minded what people thought about me. But I never like people being disrespectful towards me.

I was just about to eat my bread when I heard her say “She is a slut and she only wants your money”.

I ate my bread slowly but did hear her wincing in pain. I looked towards her to find a big cut in her cheek and the knife stuck into the wooden frame beside her. Blood was oozing out of her cheek and she winced in pain holding her cheek stopping her bleeding.

“I wonder who did that to her” I muttered feeling Dylan’s eyes on me.

“What?” I snapped and he averted his eyes back to Lily who was still wincing in pain.

“Did you do that?” I heard Bell asking the question to Blake.

“No! Are you mad? I didn’t ” Blake whispered.

I kept eating my bread and took the knife buttering another piece.


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