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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 66

The sight of Matthew’s smile sent chills run down Clarissa’s spine.

His answer made no sense at all, but her gut told her that it implied something very dangerous.

“You asked me to be your man last night, and said that I couldn’t marry any other woman.”

“I…” Did I really say that?

Clarissa could accept that she might have actually said those things out loud.

After all, those were her true feelings. It was entirely possible that she might have accidentally spilled the beans while drunk.

Matthew’s smile grew wider as he stared at her flustered expression and heard no retaliation from her.

It was just a simple lie, but she’d accepted it so naturally as if it was the truth. Clearly, those were her actual feelings towards him.

“Clare, I said “yes”. So you can be happy and start squealing now.”

His smug, “kneel down with gratitude” expression made Clarissa’s mouth twitch in irritation.

So, she chose to deny the truth.

“Even if I did say it, I said it when I was drunk, so it doesn’t count.”

Matthew raised an eyebrow, his gaze turning slightly colder than it was before.

“You’re not going to acknowledge it?”

Clarissa hurriedly explained, “It’s not about acknowledging anything. I’m barely conscious when I’m drunk, let alone remember anything I said. Why would you take anything I promised or asked for seriously? Besides, I didn’t do anything to you, so why is this suddenly about me not acknowledging what I said? You make it sound as if I’m not responsible for my own actions.”

The last part was muttered under her breath, but she still meant it.

She had always gotten the shorter end of the stick in their relationship anyway.

If I was to really look into who should be acknowledging their own words, wouldn’t it actually be Matthew?

Seeing that Matthew had gone silent, Clarissa slowly crawled out of bed.

“Where are you going?”

Clarissa pursed her lips in embarrassment, gritting out the reply through her teeth.

“The washroom…”

Matthew’s hearty laughter rang out behind her as she rushed into the washroom to relieve herself.

Matthew was no longer in the bedroom when she came out, which was fine by her. At least she felt less awkward now.

After going downstairs, she realized that Mrs. Lawson had already prepared breakfast. Clarissa spotted a bag next to the sofa, wondering if that was hers from last night.

Why can’t I remember anything?

She couldn’t even recall how she came to be here in the first place.

It was a miracle she hadn’t just been picked up off the street by some random stranger.

Either way, it didn’t matter anymore, because Clarissa felt too guilty to stay for breakfast. What choice did she have other than packing her bags and running out the door after having presented to Matthew her resolution last night?

She was way too thin-skinned to continue staying here.

Taking her chances while Matthew was not around, Clarissa was at the doorway putting her shoes on when he descended the staircase.

“Stop right there.”

Where have I heard that before?

Clarissa couldn’t place a finger on the memory, but she stopped and turned to watch as Matthew walked leisurely down the stairs. Dressed in a grey suit that complemented his well-built frame, his sharp gaze was locked onto Clarissa.

“Get back here and eat.”

Clarissa’s stomach grumbled. She really needed to eat something first.

Fine. I’ll be a little more thick-skinned just for now.

Temporarily leaving all thoughts of running away behind, she followed him to the dining room and took a seat at the table.

A corner of Matthew’s mouth quirked up into an undetectable smile.

They ate breakfast in silence. After they’d finished, Clarissa made to leave again.

“I… I’ll get going now!”

She sounded nervous and reluctant, even to her own ears.

Matthew instantly got up and left the dining room with his gaze landing on her bag.

“You’re bringing all this to work?”

“Huh? Work?”

Then, it came to her. Was Matthew pretending that everything from last night never happened?

She’d already told him that she wouldn’t be making it up to him and wouldn’t be working at Tyson Corporation anymore, but he was still acting like this.

She felt elated upon coming to that conclusion but quickly realized that her current vague attitude towards him did not match her usual personality.

Clarissa had always hated people who pretended they didn’t know what they were doing but understood everything clearly. At the same time, she hated their method of going about things. Clarifying everything until both sides had come to the same understanding was more of her style.

Ambiguity was especially unacceptable when regarding something as tricky as feelings.

She had never thought that the day would come where she was being ambiguous herself.

“No, I’m not.”

Clarissa made up her mind. She was not going to keep this up any longer.

Matthew raised an eyebrow. The expression on her face was as solemn as if she was getting ready to head into a warzone.

Amusement flashed through the depth of his eyes. One of his hands fidgeted in his pocket.

“What do you mean?”

“Mr. Tyson, I meant what I said last night. I’m not going to repay you in any way, and I’ll stop working for the Tyson Corporation. I’ll be leaving now. Thank you for taking care of me for such a long time, and I hope to see you again.”

It was harder than she thought it’d be to force the words out.


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