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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl (Pearl and Richard) novel Chapter 183

Chapter 183 

Pearl burst out laughing. “Alright, I don’t have plans today anyway.” 

They then called Chet to schedule a meeting. 

Chet was still a little wary and distrustful of Richard due to the recent deception involving Waldorf Enterprises. However, 

when he heard that Pearl wanted to meet him, his eyes lit up. 

This beautiful woman… How nice it would be if he could get his hands on her. 

Before Pearl could say anything, Chet eagerly agreed to the meeting. 

In a private room at the restaurant, Chet noticed Pearl sitting not too far away and couldn’t take his eyes off her. 

“Miss Pearl. How can I help you today? Have you finally realized you need my help?” Chet said as he reached out his hand 

towards Pearl. 

Pearl skillfully evaded his attempt and smiled. “Let’s discuss business matters first before we move on to other topics.” 

Chet’s heart raced as he heard her sultry voice. He quickly nodded. “Of course, let’s talk business first before anything else.” 

“I’d like to have a proper discussion with you regarding the plot of land,” Pearl said with a slight pout, appearing somewhat reluctant. “We’re no longer interested in it. Do you think it’s possible for us to cancel the agreement?” 

Chet hesitated because he didn’t expect Pearl to skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point. “Why do you no longer want it? Is there an issue with the land?” 

“There’s a gold mine beneath that piece of land, and since we’re not in the mining business, we thought it would be best to return it to you.” 

Chet’s eyes went wide. “A gold mine?” Why hadn’t he been informed of this? He had personally inspected the geological reports, and the land was deemed unsuitable for development. 

Pearl widened her eyes and looked helpless. “Yes, weren’t you aware? We can’t construct anything on it because of the substantial gold deposits. It would disrupt our operations… Why didn’t the surveyor inform you of this?” 

Pearl’s acting skills were so convincing that Chet began to worry. If there really was gold on that land, he would miss out on a huge profit. However, if Pearl had deceived them, it would be too late once they signed the agreement. 

“Then… Can I check the geological records first? If it’s true, I’ll buy the land back.” 


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