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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 

Hey, who is sitting next to a beauty? Isn’t that Sea Gate KS Group’s CEO, Oscar?” 

Vincent raised his rebellious eyebrows, full of playfulness, Isn’t Oscar a clean person who has never stepped into this kind of fun place? Haha, why is it so vulgar tonight?” 

It was no wonder that Joseph and Vincent would both admit their mistakes

Because Chloe’s four older brothers were actually quadruplets, among them, First Young Master Oscar and Second Young Master Riley looked exactly the same at first glance, and it was easy for people who were unfamiliar to admit their mistakes

Damn, I am jealous. Such a beautiful woman should be my lover. What can I do if I follow Oscar? Sitting in bed and holding hands to pray?Vincent became more and more enthusiastic

Downstairs, Chloe smiled at the man more sweetly than honey

Joseph felt inexplicably suffocated

In the past, he was the only one who had that smile

What was even more infuriating was that the overwhelming black material seemed to have no effect on her. This woman was actually still in the mood to find joy

On the other hand, he himself was like a tangled wife all day long, either busy cleaning up the mess or thinking about how to explain it to her. Hey, why don’t we do take her tonight? I’ll take her in. Although she is Oscar’s woman, I don’t care. I will score the same goal even if there is a goalkeeper.Vincent said as he licked his lower lip, ready to move

Don’t have any ideas about her. She’s my wife.” 

Vincent was shocked. ?!” 

Exwife.Joseph added, his throat burning like a sharp thorn

What? She’s that unromantic secondwood’s exwife? Big brother, are you blind or stupid, or blind and stupid? She’s a stunner. She’s a hundred times better than the Grace you love!” 

Joseph shot a cold glare at Vincent, and Young Master Anderson stuck out his tongue. Aiya, I was also moved. After all, when I said I wanted to 

A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

see sisterinlaw, you said there was no need to see that kind of woman.I thought she looked like a dinosaur, but I didn’t expectHey, hey! Where are you going?” 

Before he finished speaking, Joseph had already rushed out the door

On this side, Chloe and her second brother had been drinking for three rounds, and their white cheeks were as red as peaches

Chloe, are you alright?Riley saw that she was a little drunk, so he showed concerns and asked

Again! Roll the dice!Chloe’s alcohol tolerance was not bad, but her heart was filled with melancholy, so she got drunk a little quickly. At this time, Riley’s superior called. He had to answer the call. There might be an important task arrangement, so he said apologetically, Chloe, wait for me obediently. I’ll answer a call and come back immediately.” 

Chloe waved her hand elegantly, Yes!” 

Her Protective Net having temporarily vanished, the male figures around her began to draw nearer, like sharks scenting blood

Chloe’s eyes moved, and her lazy gaze swept past them as if she was choosing a gigolo

This one was too short, this one was too thin, this nose was too flat, this eye was too small… 

Not a single one could compare to her exhusband

Unfortunately, such a good male body failed to live up to her 

hotblooded heart

At this time, Chloe noticed that a few rich young masters were booing beside the booth, watching a man forcing a girl to drink more

And the man with a greasy smile was Grace’s brother, Miller

What was more unbearable was that the sharpeyed Chloe also saw that one of the rich young masters secretly put medicine into the cup and handed it to Miller

Immediately, she was furious and suddenly got up and walked over to them

Oh! A great beauty!Those few rich people saw Chloe, and their saliva was about to drip down


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

When Miller saw this top beauty, the woman in his arms immediately became not fragrant

You are so happy, take me with you?Chloe was drunk and her eyes. were misty

Little sister, how do you want to play? Big brother will accompany you.” Miller licked his lips with a wretched look in his eyes

Simple, drink this cup of wine.Chloe picked up the wine that had been drugged

The few of them fell silent, and Miller’s greasy face darkened

Who didn’t know that there was a full dose of knockout medicine in the wine? Only a fool would drink it

You don’t want to drink? Then I’ll feed you!” 

As the voice fell, Chloe’s almondshaped eyes were fierce, and she raised her hand to pour whole cup of wine on Miller’s face

Everyone was shocked, and the girl also screamed and dodged to the side

F*ck! B * tch, you dare to splash me? Do you know who I am?Miller was so angry that he wiped his face and cursed

Who cares who you are? Your mouth is like a square muscle, and you are worse than a dog after drinking and drugging women.” Chloe casually lifted her long hair and her eyes were as charming as silk

Miller was so angry that this woman actually called his mouth like a fart

If not for the people around him, he really wanted to rush up and slap this bitch

At this time, two bodyguards of Brown family followed. Miller’s eyes moved and ordered the bodyguards to carry her out

It was necessary to beat her up, and it would be useful to beat her up on the bed

Two tall and strong bodyguards rushed over. Although Chloe was drunk, her muscle memory made her nimbly flash, and the two of them fell into a sorry state

Too slow.Chloe yawned

Catch her for me!Miller shouted as he wiped his face

One of the bodyguards got up and grabbed Chloe’s shoulder

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Unexpectedly, a tall figure flashed in front of her and grabbed the bodyguard’s arm. Then, he flipped over

The 1.8metertall man was knocked down to the ground in the blink of an eye

Good skill! Burp 


Chloe gave a burp and leaned back

Suddenly, a strong palm held her slender waist. She felt the man’s deep breath gush to her cheek. It was so hot and itchy

Ohwho is it? Don’t touch me!Chloe struggled for a moment

Raya, open your eyes and see who I am.” 

A familiar voice

Indifference, magnetic, yet bewitching

Chloe’s heart beat wildly. She raised her eyes little by little and met Joseph’s merciless and moving peach blossom eyes

The man’s eyes narrowed slightly and deepened

Fiery red lips, charming bones, if not for the clear and ignorant eyes of that little deer, he would not have dared to recognize that this was the Raya who had married him for three years

Raya, you’ve grown up. Are you looking for trouble everywhere with the support of Oscar?” 

Yes, so what?” 

I want to beat up the anyone surnamed Brown. Do you have any 


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