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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 

Miller was so scared that his jaw almost fell to the ground

So she was the hidden exwife of Mr. Sawle

To be honest, her beauty was much higher than his sister’s

If not for the fact that they were childhood sweethearts, his flashy little sister might not be able to win against this sonorous rose

Mr. Sawle, even if she is your exwife, it can’t be my reason to apologize to her!” 

Let her apologize to me, and I will pretend that this didn’t happen!Miller insisted

If I were a step late, your people might do something out of line to her.It didn’t happen, but it doesn’t mean that you are right. Apologize.Joseph’s face was cold and frosty

Miller’s heart was trembling, and his face was still holding on

Chloe’s face was red, and she was now full of alcohol

She only heard words like apologyand exwifeShe thought to herself, This dog man, could it be that he wants me to lower my head!‘ 

It would be lucky for him if I didn’t twist his head off and kick it like a ball!‘ 

It’s so troublesome to apologize. In my opinion, we should do it according to the rules here. Either send him to the police station, or drag him out to have a good beating.” 

Vincent had an aggressive smile on his handsome face. He led two rows of people over with the style of a young master of the underworld

Why did you hit me? Is there no law?When Miller saw Young Master Anderson, his voice trembled with fear

Vincent hooked his finger, and the girl who had just been forced to drink shyly hid behind him

First, these girls in my establishment sell wine and dance. They have never been allowed to accompany guests. You have already broken the rules here by pouring her wine.” 

Secondly, there are no illicit drugs or substances in my vicinity. What I detest the most in life is that there are people who partake in this activity 


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

in my area. Whoever does it, I will give them a stern warning!” 

In my opinion, you should really thank this Miss Lewis. If she had not stopped you from drugging, ha, you would have gone out of ACE dead 


Joseph was stunned. So it was like this

Haha! Man! Good job!Chloe squinted her eyes and gave Vincent a thumbsup

Thank you for your praise, exsisterinlaw.” Vincent wined at her. Seeing them looking at each other, Joseph felt a sense of suffocation in 

his chest

Joseph, what do you think of my arrangement? Is it okay?Vincent asked

It’s feasible.” Joseph said concisely

I was wrong! I was wrong! Mr. Sawle, I really didn’t know that this young lady was your exwife. I, I have eyes but failed to recognize Mt. Tai. I apologize to Miss Lewis. I’m sorry” 

Miller gritted his teeth and apologized to Chloe. He was so angry that he was cursing his mother inside

Joseph still felt that it was insufficient, but then he realized

Raya was gone

Are you looking for your exsisterinlaw? Look, look.Vincent whistled and gestured in the direction of the stage

Joseph’s pupils suddenly contracted, and his heart trembled

In the illusion, Raya twisted her ant waist and danced a sexy and a little playful dance. Her smile was unrestrained, like a seductive fairy, and the dazzling light shone on her, leaving only a shadow

Chloe was completely drunk, completely drunk

She didn’t know what she was doing. She felt that she was flying. She was a wind that could not be defined

Suddenly, she leaned back

Amidst the exclamations, she fell into a stiff but warm embrace

When she barely saw the angry face of Joseph, she only said three words with a silly smile

I want to vomit.” 


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

Joseph dragged Chloe into the men’s washroom

She vomited so badly into the toilet that no matter how beautiful a person was, it was still a tragedy

At first, Joseph only looked at her coldly at the door. Seeing that she was in pain, he walked behind her and patted her trembling back

After vomiting, Chloe, in a daze, walked to the edge of the pool and, knowing what to do, washed her mouth and rinsed it out

Ohit’s so uncomfortable” 

Then why did you drink it? You asked for it.Joseph stood to the side and frowned coldly

BecauseI’m sadI’m so sad” 

Chloe was not clearheaded. She even thought that the man beside her was her brother, so she choked and cried out, Why does Joseph not like meWhy…” 

Joseph’s heart swelled, and he pursed his lips as he listened to her crying

I’m working very hardI’m really working very hard,.. but it seems that the harder I work, the more he hates meWhyTell me!” 

Chloe suddenly turned around and hugged the man. She threw herself on his chest and cried. Her snot and tears rubbed against his clean shirt, making it colorful

Joseph stood rooted to the ground, his throat tightening. He felt every drop of her hot tears branded on his chest, soaking his heart. After a while, he asked in a low voice, Do you really, really like Joseph?Chloe raised her crying little face, and her red cherry lips gently opened. The man’s Adam’s apple moved, and he resisted this pure desire with great selfcontrol

He even regretted asking this question

So what if she liked him? So what if she didn’t like him

Their divorce was a foregone conclusion. The only person he loved in his life was Grace

Bang! The bathroom door was kicked open

Joseph! Do you want some face You’re still thinking about the pot while eating in the bowl” 


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

Riley was so angry that his eyes turned red. He went up and pulled Chloe over to hug her like an eagle protecting a chick

Joseph’s handsome eyebrows were tightly knitted. President Thorp, who had always been elegant and graceful, was angry for a beauty. It could be seen how much he cared about his exwife

Breathing suddenly felt uncomfortable

President Thorp, she was unable to hold her liquor and vomited badly just now. If you really loved her, you should not have brought her to this kind of place.” 

My woman can do whatever she wants to do. If she likes to play, I’ll play with her.” Riley wanted to scold this grandson, but when he heard him call him President Thorp, he simply pretended to be Oscar

Mr. Sawle, since you divorced Raya, don’t stretch your hands for so long. Go back and take good care of your Miss Brown!” 

After saying that, Riley helped Chloe walk out, but Joseph stopped him

What are you doing?” 

Do you really love her?Joseph asked in a deep voice



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